Thank you @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> ! Will try it now
Hi @<1523703012214706176:profile|GorgeousMole24> , I'm not sure about the exact definition, but I think when the script finishes running or the thread that started Task.init()
I think in this case you can fetch the task object, force it into running mode and then edit whatever you want. Afterwards just mark it completed again.
Note the force
so far it looks like it's working, thank you @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> !
In my scenario the process was killed by a cluster scheduler (after reaching a time limit) so that's why I find it weird.
Is there a way to prevent that from ever happening? any property I can or a flag, any method I can call and/or even "monkey patch" to prevent this from happening ?