the artifacts is stored as a dictionary with the name of the parametr as the key, and values
{'data_id': {'name': 'data_id', 'size': 39, 'type': 'string', 'mode': <ArtifactModeEnum.output: 'output'>, 'url': 'a big string', 'hash': 'some numbers', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 10, 8, 56, 10), 'metadata': {}, 'preview': '(data.UID:>147)AND(data.UID:<148)'}}
i need to access the string in the preview using parameter override logic, how can i get the value of the preview key of the artifact
task.upload_artifact("data_id", data_id), name of the artifact, and created string
Hi UnsightlyBeetle11 , I think you can store txt artifacts so you can store the string there. If it's not too long, you can even fetch it from the preview
yes, i tried to store the string in txt format, still getting all the metadatas, and the needed string is in preview
how can i fetch it from the preview?
Can you give an example of how you're saving this artifact?
I think it is one of the parameters of the task. Fetch a Task and see what properties the artifact has 🙂
Can you provide a self contained contained snippet that reproduces this behavior?