@<1570220844972511232:profile|ObnoxiousBluewhale25> it creates a new Model here
If you want it to log to something other than the default file server create the clearml Task before starting the training:
task = Task.init(..., outout_uri="file:///home/karol/data/")
# now training
It will use the existing Task and upload to the destination folder
I'm using a special Callback provided by Transformers: None
What if you set the default_output_uri
to false
The problem is "Artifacts" tab is empty, it wasn't with default logging (to the fileserver I guess) but then the files failed to upload.
Hi @<1570220844972511232:profile|ObnoxiousBluewhale25> , you can click on the model in the artifacts tab and that should take you to the model repository. What is logged in the url of the model?