Hi @<1523701235335565312:profile|HugeArcticwolf77> , looks like there is no such capability through the UI if I'm not wrong. You should, however be able to move everything via the API, I would however suggest making sure you move ALL parts of the pipeline and not just the controller.
Makes sense?
Is there a way to move existing pipelines between projects?
You should be able to, go to your settings page and turn on "show hidden folders"
Then go to your project, you should see " .pipeline
" sub project there, right click it and move it to another folder.
makes sense, just wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything obvious. I'll probably just avoid the pipeline grouping view for now. Thanks anyway
@<1523701235335565312:profile|HugeArcticwolf77> , I would suggest opening a feature request on GitHub for this 🙂
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!