Hi @<1571308003204796416:profile|HollowPeacock58> ! The changes should be reflected. Do you have a small example that could help us reproduce the issue?
looking now i think it's probably since on my code I first read parameters from config file-
config = HpsYaml(paras.config)
and after that, I set these parameters to dictionary, which I connect to the task-
hparams_dict = {'batch_size': config.hparas.batch_size,
'valid_step': config.hparas.valid_step,
'max_step': config.hparas.max_step}
parameters = task.connect(hparams_dict, name='hyper_params')
So maybe the parameters from the config file override the parameters setting from the GUI?
How is this suppose to be done in order for the GUI changed to apply?