Hi All,
Is There Anyway To Get The Id Of The Pipeline Using Pipeline Name? I Need The Id Of The Pipeline So That I Can Schedule The Pipeline To Run Via
why aren't you coping the Pipeline ID from the UI? --> I have tried this and it works but let's say if I updated the pipeline code, then will have to rerun the pipeline code then manually get the id and update the task. But if there is way in which I can directly fetch the id using pipeline name, it'll allow me to get the latest pipeline to be scheduled without manual intervention. Please correct if my understanding is wrong.
task_to_schedule = Task.get_task(project_name='MyProject/.pipelines/PipelineName', task_name='PipelineName')
I have tried the given code Snippet and it throws below error:
raise ValueError('No {entity}s found when searching for `{query}`'.format(**locals()))
ValueError: No projects found when searching for `MyProject/.pipelines/PipelineName`
Failed auto-generating package requirements: _PyErr_SetObject: exception SystemExit() is not a BaseException subclass
one year ago
one year ago