Solved it by doing clearml.Task.current_task().id but thank you
How about trying to use register_artifact
None ?
yep, just a string which is a path but not to upload the folder
I suggest taking a look at this example - None
Also looked at it but its only supported registered artifact object type is a pandas.DataFrame and not strings.
I think I'll keep it with ':' in the start of the string and that way it won't upload the folder
That's the controller. I would guess if you fetch the controller you can get it's id as well
Btw in pipelines is there a way to get the pipelines main task id? for example <step_name>.id gets me the stages id but I need the main pipeline that's running all the tasks
CluelessFlamingo93 , just so I understand - you want to upload a string as the artifact?
I reviewed this example and sadly there isn't anything about how to upload a path as a string only.