another problem is that i just want to use clearml-serving to serve an already trained model, the training process is not tracked my clearml, meaning the model is not registered on the models
tab. is there any way to use clearml-serving to serve a model that is not tracked by clearml? @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36>
Hi @<1580367711848894464:profile|ApprehensiveRaven81> , you mean you'd like to have some web interface to interact with the API?
using the API interface, users should be able to upload an image for the model to run inference on and get the result image
i'm trying to build an image segmentation tool, so I expect that the front end will allow users to upload images, get their segmented images & option to annotate the images if the results are not good enough
Regarding UI - you can either build your own frontend for it or use streamlit / gradio applications (Which are supported in the enterprise license).
About using a model outside of ClearML - You can simply register the model to the model artifactory - None
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> how should i implement my own frontend? i mean, if was using fastapi, I can imagine coding HTML files and then link them to the specific URL endpoint, but with ClearML, I don't know where should I put the code for my front-end.