I am using Brave browser. You are right there are some errors in the console:
main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'join')
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:1:1096041
at Array.find (<anonymous>)
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:1:1096022
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589516
at Xi (main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2588586)
at Un (main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589884)
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589573
at Xi (main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2588586)
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589857
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
handleError @ main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2
main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'join')
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:1:1096041
at Array.find (<anonymous>)
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:1:1096022
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589516
at Xi (main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2588586)
at Un (main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589884)
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2589573
at Xi (main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2588586)
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:2588096
at main.a7c4cf70197c1483.js:2:1348738
Now it is working properly! 👍 :)
@<1600299043865497600:profile|MagnificentSeaurchin90> can you perhaps also try on FireFox?
Hi @<1600299043865497600:profile|MagnificentSeaurchin90> , a mobile view is on the roadmap but not in the near future. Regarding the comparison issue, what browser are you using? Do you see any console errors in the developer tools (F12).
Is it a self deployed server or is this the community?
It is in the scalars, every other tab working properly! The scalars page hanging on loading. Ok, I’ll try other browsers too.
Hi @<1600299043865497600:profile|MagnificentSeaurchin90>
Any chance you can provide more info on the error?
if I want to compare two experiments the scalar plots do not load ( loading forever ).
I'm assuming the issue is the Plots tab? or is it the Scalars? what do you have in the Plots? can you send an image of the single experiment ?
@<1600299043865497600:profile|MagnificentSeaurchin90> can you try again please?
Is this on app.clear.ml or is this a self hosted server?