Thanks for clarifying WickedCat12 .
As I mentioned originally, plotting an arbitrary metric against another is further down the ClearML roadmap.
It'd be great if you use a github issue to help push it through :)
It does but that's not the feature I seek.
Due to that ClearML is not configured to log metrics directly from PyTorch lightning I need to stick with the values that ClearML gathers from tensorboard automatically so I don't log the metrics myself.
I need to stick with steps.
In wandb there's a functionality to use chosen metric as horizontal axis value (due to that every metric is related to steps it's possible). For example it's possible to use logged epoch (on x-axis there's step, y-axis has epoch value) as horizontal axis value for every other metrics.
WickedCat12 ClearML Scalars explicitly show metrics time progression (you can display iteration/wall-time).
Plotting one metric against another is a feature that lies further down ClearML's roadmap.
If your metric is reported only once per epoch you can make use of the existing scalars functionality by making use of the iteration parameter when reporting your metric to reflect the epoch instead.
Does this make sense?