Hi! I'M Running A Clearml Task Remotely. It Runs A Python Machine Learning Evaluation Script In Repo A. The Script Depends On A Module Which Is Defined In Another One Of My Company'S Repos: Repo B.
The File Structure Of The Module In Repo B Is As Follows
Hi, @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> I think I could have explained myself better. So the Task is running a script in repo A. But that script depends on module B, which is defined in repo B. I have a clearml_requirements.txt file in repo A. When the remote . ClearML Task runs, it installs the dependencies listed in that .txt file, including module B.
The problem is that the remote ClearML server is unable to find the static files that should come bundled along with module B.
Is that a bit clearer? 🤞
one year ago
one year ago