Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi Guys, We Are Running Clearml-Serving On A Kube Cluster On Aws And We Have Noticed That We Are Getting Some 502 Errors Once In A While That We Can'T Seem To Trace Back.

Hi Guys,
we are running clearml-serving on a kube cluster on AWS and we have noticed that we are getting some 502 errors once in a while that we can't seem to trace back.

  • We are using siege to test some models deployed and even with very low concurrency (e.g. 2) we will get around 3 failed transactions over 1hour (20, 558 hits). siege -c6 -t2M -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'https://....
  • We have an ALB in front of our cluster.
  • The config we are using for gunicorn is basically 5 workers on a t3a.medium. We have tried many variations around this and could not get rid of these couple 502.
  • We have tried on much bigger machines too with 8 cores and 16 workers and 5 workers -- same results.
  • The gunicorn logs do not show anything including any error or trace of the 502 only siege reports the 502 as well as the ALB.
  • Note that we set the cycling on the gunicorn workers to 0 so that it is turned off (was one of our suspicions but no luck)
  • Our models are ridiculously simple as we are averaging 0.4 second per call (11K requests in 1hour with concurrency 1), this to say that with c1 cpu is at 20% max.
  • We tried both to run on 3 EC2 3 serving instance pods and 1 ec2 1 pod to simplify things still same results
Posted 10 months ago
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Answers 15

Meaning if I create a sleep endpoint that is async

Hmm are you calling "sleep" or "async.sleep"?
Also are you running the serving service with GUNICORN or UVCORN?
see here:

Posted 10 months ago

yeah I don't know I think we are probably just trying to fit to high a throughput for that box but it's weird that the packet just get dropped i would have assumed the response time should degrade and requests be queued.

Posted 10 months ago


You should not call time.sleep in async functions, it should be asyncio.sleep,

See if that makes a difference

Posted 10 months ago

Hi @<1569858449813016576:profile|JumpyRaven4>

  • The gunicorn logs do not show anything including any error or trace of the 502 only siege reports the 502 as well as the ALB.Is this an ALB or an ELB ?
    What's the timeout its configured?
    Do you have GPU instances as well? what's the clearml-serving-inference docker version ?
Posted 10 months ago

ACtually the request are never registered to the gunicorn app, and the ALB log show that there is no response from the target "-".

Posted 10 months ago

I have tested with an endpoint that basically add two numbers and never managed to trigger the 502. I'm starting to wonder if we are not running just too many workers. I had it wrong that 2 vcpus should mean 5 workers should be good but I think i should probably be closer to 2 but I m not sure why that would lead requests being dropped

Posted 10 months ago

I'm not sure what to do with that info I must say since the serve_model is async for good reasons I guess

Posted 10 months ago

Hmm reading this: None
How are you checking the health of the serving pod ?

Posted 10 months ago

The main question I have is why is the ALB not passing the request, I think you are correct it never reaches the serving server at all, which leads me to think the ALB is "thinking" the service is down or is not responding, wdyt?

Posted 10 months ago

The thing is the server will not return a 502 error, only a 500 error,
Could it be the k8s ingress maybe ?

Posted 10 months ago

alright, so actually we noticed that the problem disappears if we use only sync requests. Meaning if I create a sleep endpoint that is async we get the 502 but if it's sync we don't

Posted 10 months ago

Hi Martin,

  • Actually we are using ALB with a 30 seconds timeout
  • we do not have GPUs instances
  • docker version 1.3.0
Posted 10 months ago

we have tried both and got the same issue (gunicorn vs uvcorn).
No I meant creating a

    response_description="Return HTTP Status Code 200 (OK)",
# def here instead of async def
def post_sleep(time_sleep: float) -> TestResponse:
    """ """
    return TestResponse(status="OK")
Posted 10 months ago

yeah I tend to agree... keep me posted hen you find the root cause 🤞

Posted 10 months ago

that's a fair point. Actually we have switched from using siege because we believe it is causing the issues and are using Locust now instead. We have been running for days at the same rate and don't see any errors being reported...

Posted 10 months ago