In Which Yaml Files For Kubernetes And Where Should I Specify The Aws File_Server And Credentials For Clearml-Agent So That When Running Tasks Remotely In The Queue, The Artifacts Are Saved In The S3 Bucket?
Hello @<1523702000586330112:profile|FierceHamster54>
We specified credantials of s3 bucket in clearml.fileserverSecret and clearml.fileserverKey in values.yml of clearml and specified adress of s3 bucket in fileServerUrlReference in values.yml of clearml-agent.
When we run the task remotely we get an error:
clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed creating storage object s3:// Reason: Missing key and secret for S3 storage access ( s3://)
clearml.metrics - WARNING - Failed uploading to s3:// ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'upload')
clearml.metrics - ERROR - Not uploading 1/1 events because the data upload failed
one year ago
one year ago