Hi AgitatedDove14 !
Thanks againg for following up this thread.
Perhaps It is not clear to read the delay in the log, but is just after "Starting Task Execution:"
Environment setup completed successfully
Starting Task Execution:
Here this new entry in the log is 2 min after env completed =>1702378941039 box132 DEBUG 2023-12-12 11:02:16,112 - clearml.model - INFO - Selected model id: 9be79667ca644d7dbdf26732345f5415
So, the environment is created OK, but then it takes a consistent 2 min before actually starting the task.
No additional info is printed in the log during this wait time.
No worries for missing clearml-agent & git, we managed to avoid the venv creation as the docker container has the environment already set up. So I think our issue is not related to the venv set up itself, but the start after this.
We are looking around the "clearml_agent execute" command, as it is called right away after env set up...?