AgitatedDove14 I run the experiments manually for now. It does seem I found the cause of the behaviour, though: I am instantiating an object from my own "tracker" class in my main method that holds from the clearml Task object that actually does the logging. I am doing the instantiation from my configuration via hydra.utils.instantiate
method. So that means import clearml
was not executed before already in my main method annotated with hydra.main
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf", config_name="config")
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
I now make sure the clearml package is imported before I call my main method and that seems to fix it. What confused me was that instantiating explicitly my tracker object worked, now I think that was because in doing this I would let my IDE add the import tracker statement to the top of the file and clearml would therefore be imported before reaching main method :)