Hi NuttyLobster9 , I'm not sure we have such an example, but you can basically edit the task configuration object using the SDK or APIClient. Using the SDK, this would be something like:
from clearml import Task
task = Task.get_task("<task-id>")
task.set_configuration_object("<name>", "<content>")
Well, the assumption is that the task's code should handle any such changes, but a user might interfere and put some value that might fail the task...
That could happen with any task when it’s cloned. To be honest, the cron and trigger schedulers probably deserve their own UI panel since they operate differently than other tasks. Ideally, a user would be able to add and remove jobs from the schedulers purely through the UI.
Ahhh okay, thank you. Perhaps in the future, it would be great to allow this from the UI as well?