hi, can you help me with this?
thanks in advance.
problem :
- could not run task
- could not fetch from bitbucket/gitsetup :
- clearml-agent: 1.7.0; 1.8.1
agent {
git_user: "xxx"
force_git_ssh_protocol: true
force_git_ssh_user: "xxx"
enable_git_ask_pass: true
vcs_cache: {
enabled: true,
path: ~/.clearml/vcs-cache
# if git pull failed, always revert to re-cloning the repo, it protects against old user name changes
clone_on_pull_fail: true
worker_id: "vm-services:vm-services-xxxx"
worker_name: "vm-services-xxxx"
Logs :
- also in vs code, there is a pop window that ask to login git/bitbutcket.
- pic 1 when vcs_cache is not enable
- pic 2 when vcs_cache is enable
my current solution :
- back to clearml-agent: 1.6.1. it works!