More precisely, I'm using Llama factory and I'm running train scripts from there it, like python ...
, without editing them. Therefore I can't create a Clearml Task inside this process to record the experiment to. Of course I can manually add all the parameters, metrics and artifacts afterwards, but ideally, I'd like to be able to have real-time logs of my Llama-factory-experiment in Clearml. The package has integrations with Tensorboard, W&B and other monitoring tools, but, apparently, not with Clearml.
Has anyone done something similar? How did you manage to track real-time data about the experiment to Clearml?
Hi, Jake!
Thanks for your response! I just managed to solve the problem by running my train CLI command in a subprocess and creating a thread to capture the stdout from this subprocess and send it to a Clearml Task. The solution doesn/t even seem too ugly as I was afraid it would be 😀
Hi SillySealion58 , can't you add a file that will do Task.init() and than call the __main__
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