Did you download the same data directly to the NAS and it took 5 secs?
running this command when cache is on /home/user/.clearml/cache took 5 seconds.
When the cache is on /nfs_client/.clearml/cache around 250 seconds.
wgetting the same data from gcp bucket to NFS drive 2.9 seconds.
We use the GCP SDK under the hood. Can you try downloading to the same folder in the NFS using GCP SDK?
Hi AlertFrog99 , how is the download speed if you download directly to the NAS drive, unrelated to ClearML's cache
Did you download it to the same folder or to some mounter folder?
gsutil -m cp -r "
" .
and it downloaded in 3 seconds
yep. using clearml-data get --id MYID
in both cases
yes. Downloading small ds took 5 secs to local cache on home dir. On NAS took around 2-3 minutes
Did you try fetching the same data or from the same source?