I see now. It seems that the instructions that we provided updated only model urls and there are some more artifacts that need to be handled. Please try running the attached python script from inside your apiserver docker container. The script should fix all the task artifact links in mongo. Copy it to any place inside the running clearml-apiserver container and then run it as following:
python3 fix_mongo_urls.py --mongo-host
--host-target http://<your target address and port here>
Thanks! We want to add the python script that I sent you to the next version of open source and change the instructions to use this script instead of copying the commands from web
Great thanks for the fast and extremely helpful answers!
O yeah, one more thing. The initial link you sent me contains the snippet that is written to file using cat but for me it only works with simply echo on a single line. If I copy from the website, it inserts weird end of line characters that mess it up (at least that's my hypothesis) - so you might want to consider putting a warning on the website or updating to the instruction below
echo 'db.model.find({uri:{$regex:/^http:\/\/10\.0\.0\.12:8081/}}).forEach(function(e,i) { e.uri = e.uri.replace("
","newaddress:port"); db.model.save(e);});' > script.js
Hi @<1577468611524562944:profile|MagnificentBear85> , the instructions that you followed should fix the addresses of debug images. For artifacts there are different instructions. Please follow the instructions from "For artifacts" item:
You will need to change the $regex:/^s3/ into $regex:/^ http\:\/\/10\.0\.0\.12\:8081 /
And e.uri.replace("s3://<old-bucket-name>/", "s3://<new-bucket-name>/") into e.uri.replace(" None ", "http://<your target address and port here>")
Ah okay, this python script is meant to replace all the other scripts? That makes sense then 🙂
Thanks for the quick and helpful answer @<1722061389024989184:profile|ResponsiveKoala38> ! It works. At least, in the sense that I can see my artifacts are updated. However, my datasets are still on the wrong address. How to update those as well?
Awesome, thanks very much for this detailed reply! This indeed seemed to have updated every url.
One note - I had to call the mongo host as --mongo-host
Thank you for the fix:) I will update the script for future usages
Ok, even weirder now - the model paths seem updated to 172. but I have also the csv's as artifacts that are still at 10.
Any clues @<1722061389024989184:profile|ResponsiveKoala38> ?
Could it be that here Failed getting object
it is without the 'http' part? That I also have to replace all those occurrences?
Can you please share an example of the datasets wrong address? Where do you see it?
Of course, you can see it in the error message that I already shared - but here is another one just in case.
.venv/bin/python -c "from clearml import Dataset; Dataset.get(dataset_project='Esti', dataset_name='bulk_density')"
2024-10-09 18:56:03,137 - clearml.storage - WARNING - Failed getting object size: ValueError('Failed getting object (401): UNAUTHORIZED')
2024-10-09 18:56:03,245 - clearml.storage - ERROR - Could not download
, err: Failed getting object (401): UNAUTHORIZED
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/michel/sandbox/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/clearml/datasets/dataset.py", line 1790, in get
instance = get_instance(dataset_id)
File "/home/michel/sandbox/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/clearml/datasets/dataset.py", line 1702, in get_instance
raise ValueError("Could not load Dataset id={} state".format(task.id))
ValueError: Could not load Dataset id=f66a70c6cda440dd8fdaccb52d5e9055 state
Although now I see there is also the word 'artifacts' in the url. Your suggestion didn't update these though - but it did update the paths to my models.