Aha, cool, looks like that’s what I needed! thanks @<1729671499981262848:profile|CooperativeKitten94> !
Hey @<1743079861380976640:profile|HighKitten20> - Try to configure this section in the values override file for the Agent helm chart:
# -- Private image registry configuration
# -- Use private authentication mode
enabled: false
# -- If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
existingSecret: ""
# -- Registry name
registry: docker.io
# -- Registry username
username: someone
# -- Registry password
password: pwd
# -- Email
email: someone@host.com
got sick and just now got to my laptop. Yep, this works great. Thanks again for the advice, @<1729671499981262848:profile|CooperativeKitten94>
k get deployment/clearml-agent -o yaml | grep -A2 imagePullSecrets
- name: regcred