Hi Everyone, I’D Really Appreciate Your Advice—Thank You In Advance! I’Ve Created A Pipeline Consisting Of Tasks. I Ran Tasks And They Are In Status “Draft”. When I Run The Pipeline Script Using Pipe.Start_Locally(), Everything Works Fine, And The Pipelin
Oh, thank you very much! ♥ So, should we always have two queries for the pipeline and tasks?
P.S. I try to run the pipeline as pipe.start() without arguments (by default it should run on services queue as I understand right), then the clearm runs the pipeline, and in the terminal I see that it starts docker container… but nothing happens after I see: «you should upgrade pip»… so I abort this execution after an hour… may be you could advice a way to run services queue or some toy-example of code? I see an example in the GitHub, but it doesn’t help me, maybe I do something wrong… I have my own clearml server that I install ed with docker-compose 🤔
2 months ago
2 months ago