Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Also, Any Advice On Using Best Practice Of Using Task.Create() Instead Of Task.Init()? I Have The Need Of Specifying Docker And Repository, So Only Find Task.Create() Can Achive What I Need. But Then I End Up With Always Creating 2 Scripts For Each Task I

Also, any advice on using best practice of using Task.create() instead of Task.init()? I have the need of specifying docker and repository, so only find Task.create() can achive what I need. But then I end up with always creating 2 scripts for each task I want submit to remote server and hard to use configuration parameter because it ends up get hard-coded in the script file. For example:

# script 1: trigger clearml task

# script 2: main-experiment-script.py with the core experimentation logic and any configuration needed
Posted 19 days ago
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Answers 16

I gave this it a try to switch from Task.create() to Task.init(). I think I am pretty close to switch to using init(). But still have issue of ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src' when using task.init().

My project setup look like this:


So if I use Task.create(repo=xx, script="runbooks/run_task.py"), it works but if I switch to using Task.init() with the same repo setup (task.set_repo, and then follow by task.execute_remotely), it will complain about ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src'`

I suspect that it is about how the working_directory setup, from what I see in the signature of task.create and task.set_repo, they both state that Default: repository root folder (task.create signature), execution work directory will be the repository root folder (task.set_repo signature). But there must be something different about this two workflow since one work another doesn't

Any ideas?

Posted 14 days ago

that is just to compare the same functionality used in task.create() can be achieved when using task.init workflow. Not technically required

Posted 13 days ago

Confirmed that without task.set_repo, it come down to the same error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src'

Posted 13 days ago

I mean that task.init will automatically detect the repo without specifying it

Posted 13 days ago

Why do you manually use set_repo ?

Posted 13 days ago

Hi ScrawnyCrocodile51 , You can set the repository using Task.set_repo - None

Although if you use Task.init it will automatically detect the repository from the script. If you don't want to execute the code on your machine you can use Task.execute_remotely - None

And finally, you can use Task.set_base_docker to set the docker image you want to use - None

I would advise using Task.init and it should make your life much easier 🙂

Posted 19 days ago

I can try taking it out see if it fix the issue. But i feel it is not the root cause

Posted 13 days ago

ScrawnyCrocodile51 how are you calling Tasl.init()?

Posted 13 days ago

Thanks for the tips! I will take them for a spin

Posted 19 days ago

Can you add a screenshot of the execution section of the experiment when you add task.set_repo and when you don't (Just add some sample script in the same folder and run task.init and print hello world)?

Posted 13 days ago

Executing task id [7605f1e5ce6b45e99e9302d93bc3bac6]:
repository = git@xxx
branch = xxx
version_num = 9dca88fa23ff93d446eb2ff7d615d7ade213c8aa
tag = 
docker_cmd = iocr.io/xxx
entry_point = clearml_init.py
working_dir = dev

Based on the logging,
working_dir = dev is the problem. I need to have a way to overwrite the working_dir.

Posted 13 days ago

Would it cause problem to manually set repo when using task.init()?

Posted 13 days ago

What do you mean by signature?

Posted 13 days ago

from clearml import Task

task = Task.init(,...)
print("hello world!")
Posted 13 days ago

task = Task.init(

This is how I use the task init

Posted 13 days ago

function's signature in the source code

Posted 13 days ago