Active since 10 January 2023
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10 months ago
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979 × Eureka!Hi, on clearml-server 1.5.0, in scalar graphs, the new default value is “Show closest data on hover”. Would it be possible to make it automatically set to “C...
2 years ago
Btw I saw a bug in the web UI that is rather frustrating: When I add some metric columns to a project page, if I refresh the page manually with F5, all the c...
3 years ago
Hi, where can I find the server parameter to control when the server is unregistering an agent after not receiving updates? Currently it's quite long (30mins...
one year ago
Hi, there is small bug in the web UI when comparing two experiments scalars: If the two tasks have the same name, then clicking on the “Maximize graph” butto...
3 years ago
Hi, there is a "bug" introduced in the latest version of clearml-server: when an experiment is in "full screen view", in the console tab, the auto refreshing...
4 years ago
Hi, I think there is a small bug in the Experiment running time column of the workers-and-queues/workers page: they do not match the time reported in the exp...
3 years ago
Hi, in the AWS AutoScaler, I am getting the following warning: Warning! exception occurred: APIError: code 400/1004: Worker is not registered: worker=aws:A10...
4 years ago
Hi, is there a way to get some stats about the use of workers? I would like to know, over the past 3 months: Number of training hours per user Number of trai...
3 years ago
Hi, when I use task.get_logger().report_table, I go the UI after the experiment finishes and I download the table (under RESULTS > PLOTS), it gives me a json...
4 years ago
Hi guys; another idea: would be very cool to have a mattermost alert (monitor task), just like the one for Slack. Have a nice week-end all 👋
4 years ago
Hi, I would like to follow-up in this https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1646123127790389 happening on clearml server 1.2.0 (self hosted on a sing...
How can I filter out archived tasks with Task.get_tasks?
4 years ago
Hi, I am trying to update the aws_autoscaler to the latest version on the master branch. I simply changed the commit id in the experiment and run it, this ga...
3 years ago
Hi, is it possible to pass environment variables to agents created by the AWS AutoScaler service?
4 years ago
Hi again, I am trying to make the aws autoscaler work with ec2 instances, but it fails to setup the agent in the machine: the logs of the user-data script sh...
Hey there, Is it possible for a clearml pipeline step to log a folder instead of numpy/pickle objects? Looking at the docs, monitor_artifacts could be what I...
2 years ago
Hey, I moved my trains-server to another machine, zipping the /opt/trains/data folder as described in the docs https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/train...
4 years ago
How can I do the following? (basically, filtering by task type) Task.get_tasks(project_name="my-project", task_name="my-task", task_filter=dict(type="trainin...
4 years ago
Hi guys, I got a very unexpected error today on in one of my agents: ... Collecting tqdm Using cached tqdm-4.48.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (68 kB) Processing /ro...
4 years ago
Hi there, I have a bit of a problem with AWS secrets: I pass keys as env var to clearml-agents to retrieve data from a bucket in us-east-1 but I use a bucket...
3 years ago
Hi, I have a clearml-agent (1.1.2) in a g4dn.4xlarge AWS instance (with one T4 GPU), that reports agent.cuda_version = 0 agent.cudnn_version = 0and does not ...
2 years ago
Hi, I deleted all archived experiments in a project and I just realized all experiments of all projects were deleted (clearml server v1.0.0) 🤔
3 years ago
Hi there, would it be possible for the autoscaler to support stopping instances instead of terminating them? My use case is the following: I am continuing my...
2 years ago
Is there a way to report a simple series with X and Y coords, X and Y being two lists of same length?
4 years ago
Hi, I am trying to use the clearml-agent in docker mode to run an experiment, but it seems to fail passing the clearml.conf file to the docker container: Exe...
2 years ago
Hey there, Does trains support clicks ? (entry points defined with that library)
4 years ago
First link in hyperparameter optimization page is broken > https://allegro.ai/docs/examples/examples_hyperparam_opt/
4 years ago
Hey there, I moved the clearml s3 bucket where I stored all my clearml data from one s3 bucket to another and now I realized that all the models/experiments ...
3 years ago
Hi there, it seems like there is a bug with the visualization of debug samples on the UI (server v1.2.0, self-hosted): when clicking on a debug sample then o...
2 years ago
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