Active since 10 January 2023
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10 months ago
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979 × Eureka!Hi there, I have a problem with PyJWT: I am using trains==0.16.4 and trains-agent==0.16.3 in my agents. I installed PyJWT==1.7.1 in the agent (through extra_...
4 years ago
Hi, I have an agent that is running two experiments at the same time: one that was running for a long time (11h) and one that the agent picked up afterwards,...
4 years ago
Hi, although https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/181 is resolved, clearml-agent (0.17.2) still logs tqdm iterations as different lines, is there some...
3 years ago
Hello there! I have a question regarding the Web UI, on the project page: I have the following use case: I need to add two custom columns, each reporting one...
3 years ago
Hi, It seems that the package_manager.pip_version has been removed from the https://allegro.ai/docs/references/trains_ref/#agent , although still being shown...
4 years ago
Hi, is it possible to start a clearml-agent (not in docker mode) on a machine with a gpu, but enforce the clearml-agent to not “see” the gpu? So that the exp...
3 years ago
Hi, if I am starting my training with the following command: python -u -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env train.py --config configs/tra...
3 years ago
Hi, another bug to report with the aws_auto_scaler using 1.1.2: Traceback (most recent call last): File "aws_autoscaler.py", line 297, in main() File "aws_au...
3 years ago
Hello, ~3 months ago I created a trains-server in a machine with 30gb of disk space. Today I wasn't able to connect to trains-server, so I checked the server...
4 years ago
hi guys, is it possible to spin up two agents on one GPU? Something like trains-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue default & trains-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue ...
4 years ago
Hi quick question: does Task.connect_configuration support OmegaConf DictConfig objects? ie. Can I do: config = train_task.connect_configuration(OmegaConf.lo...
2 years ago
Hi, I encounter a weird behavior: I have a task A that schedules a task B. Task B is executed on an agent, but with an old commit 🤔 although the branch is p...
4 years ago
Hi, just want to report a small bug in the clearml dashboard: after queuing an experiment, if I change the experiment queue, then go back to the experiment I...
3 years ago
Hi, what happens exactly when I execute the following command: trains-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue default &In my code, how to know which GPU to choose insi...
4 years ago
Hi, when I use task.get_logger().report_table, I go the UI after the experiment finishes and I download the table (under RESULTS > PLOTS), it gives me a json...
4 years ago
Hi, would it be possible to parse torch requirement when it’s part of the extras_require dict? In my code, I have the following: train_task._update_requireme...
3 years ago
Hey, I would like my experiment to call at some point a CLI program installed as a dependency of the experiment. Here is what I do: myTask = Task.init(...) i...
4 years ago
Hi, I am using clearml with pytorch-ignite and its EarlyStopping handler. I would like to log the counter of the patience of this handler, how can I do that?
3 years ago
Hi, I just updated clearml-server to 1.1.0 and got the following error when starting it with docker-compose: clearml-apiserver | [2021-08-02 13:37:09,852] [8...
3 years ago
Hi there, I would like to report a bug with the resizing of the columns in the projects view: it doesn’t work as expected. Please look at the behavior of the...
3 years ago
Hi, kudos for the 0.15 guys! I am having an issue related to git auth: I have an issue with trains-agent (0.15): it does not use git creds while trying to cl...
4 years ago
Hi there, I have a bit of a problem with AWS secrets: I pass keys as env var to clearml-agents to retrieve data from a bucket in us-east-1 but I use a bucket...
3 years ago
Hi there, I moved my ClearML server from US to EU and now I am trying to setup the AWS autoscaler with the different architecture that I have now. So far I u...
3 years ago
Hello, I am getting ValueError: Could not get access credentials for ' s3://my-bucket ' , check configuration file ~/trains.conf but I did specify them in my...
4 years ago
Hey, I moved my trains-server to another machine, zipping the /opt/trains/data folder as described in the docs https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/train...
4 years ago
Hi again, it seems like the aws autoscaler is not spinning instances with the EBS configuration I configured. Here is the configuration: resource_configurati...
Hi again, I am trying to make the aws autoscaler work with ec2 instances, but it fails to setup the agent in the machine: the logs of the user-data script sh...
Hi again, my clearml api-server is having a memory leak. Each time I restart it, its ram consumption grows until getting OOM, is not killed and make the ec2 ...
3 years ago
Hey there, happy new year to all of you 🍾 I have several tasks that are stuck while training a model with pytorch/ignite, more precisely right after uploadi...
4 years ago
Hey, often I want to compare scalars of two experiments with the same name but with different tags. In the SCALARS comparison tab, I cannot see which experim...
3 years ago
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