Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
10 months ago
Badges 1
979 × Eureka!Hi, I have another problem 😅 in one of my agent, one experiment started without torch using GPU. In the logs of the experiment shared below, we can see that...
4 years ago
Looks like trains-agent 0.16 doesn't support --install-globally documented parameter -> Only available for trains-agent build command. Would it be possible t...
4 years ago
Hi, I face a strange behavior from the clearml-agent: it’s running in services mode, not in docker mode, cpu only. I want to execute two tasks on this servic...
3 years ago
Hi, how can I get the logs from the pytorch ignite early stopping handler to be logged in clearml?
4 years ago
Another one: What is the difference between Task.connect() and Task.set_parameter?
4 years ago
Hey, I have one question regarding the cleanup_service task in the DevOps project: Does it assume that the agent in services mode is in the trains-server mac...
4 years ago
Hi guys, is a Task updating its status to 'Complete' before finishing to upload its artifacts/metrics in the background?
4 years ago
Hey there, I see that in the autoscaler configuration, the queues param accept dictionaries with values of type list of lists (see eg below.) What does it me...
3 years ago
Hi guys, with the new venv caching available in clearml, I have the following problem: I force my pip requirements to be: torch==1.7.1 pytorch-ignite clearml...
4 years ago
Hey there, I would like to increase the ulimit for the number of files opened at the same time in a ec2 instance. According to this https://stackoverflow.com...
3 years ago
Small error in doc: https://allegro.ai/docs/references/trains_agent_ref/#daemon The detach parameter is shown in the command as --detached while it is listed...
4 years ago
Hi, in one of my agents with CUDA Version: 11.1 (from nvidia-smi), clearml agent 0.17.1 detects version 100 (I can see from experiments logs: agent.cuda_vers...
4 years ago
Hey, what is the exact difference between agent.package_manager.system_site_packages and trains-agent --install-globally ?
4 years ago
Hi all, how can I have a global variable used in a pipeline step? I have to define them in each pipeline step, otherwise they are not included in the pipelin...
11 months ago
trains-elastic | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-12-07T15:19:11,101Z", "level": "ERROR", "component": "o.e.b.ElasticsearchUncaughtExceptionHandler", "c...
4 years ago
Hi, I would like to use pytorch3d==0.5.0 with torch==1.9.1 on cuda version 110, locally it works, but the clearml agent fails setting up the environment with...
3 years ago
Hi, similar to Task.set_offline(True), is there a way to simulate an execution in an agent? (for testing purposes)
2 years ago
Hi, I recently updated my clearml to 1.1.2 and a code that was working before now behaves completely differently: I am using the following to log debug sampl...
3 years ago
Hi, in the aws autoscaler, is it possible to specify multiple regions (availability_zone)? I currently use eu-west-1a, and would like to start using eu-west-...
3 years ago
Hi, where can I find the server parameter to control when the server is unregistering an agent after not receiving updates? Currently it's quite long (30mins...
one year ago
Hi there, I am running a clearml-agent in services mode (with docker) on a machine with two disks: one with the OS (8Go, 91% space used) and one for the data...
3 years ago
Hi, I encounter the following bug with clearml 0.17.5rc2: When I start a task locally and that task raises cuda out of memory, the command returns but the pr...
4 years ago
Hi, on clearml-server 1.5.0, in scalar graphs, the new default value is “Show closest data on hover”. Would it be possible to make it automatically set to “C...
2 years ago
Is there an option to make trains-agent create experiment virtualenvs with --system-site-packages parameter?
4 years ago
Hi, I have a local package that I use to train my models. To start training, I have a script that calls task._update_requirements([".", "torch==1.11.0"]) . I...
2 years ago
Hi, how can I search an old experiment based on its commit hash?
one year ago
Hi! I have a question regarding performances of the clearml-server: are the calls from the agents made asynchronously/in a non blocking separate thread? is t...
4 years ago
Hi guys, any plan to integrate the https://github.com/allegroai/trains-agent/blob/master/examples/dynamic_cloud_cluster.ipynb in trains-server? The code ther...
4 years ago
Hi, I restarted my clearml-server (1.1.0) and the login page always redirects me to the login page. I am using fixed users in config files. In the logs of th...
3 years ago
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