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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Question About

So basically a list of Path objects ?

3 years ago
0 Hello ! When Running

What is the proper way to change a clearml.conf ?

inside a container you can mount an external clearml.conf, or override everything with OS environment

2 years ago
0 Hello There! I Was Trying To Update The Url For Debug Samples After Migration Of The Server To A New Domain And Was Following The Steps From Here:

Hi @<1684010629741940736:profile|NonsensicalSparrow35>

But the provided command is missing the url target for the curl so it is not complete.

Not sure I followed. did you specify "NEW_ADDRESS" ?
or is it the in both cases the URL is locahost ?

6 months ago
0 Hello! Question About

Notice this is per frame (single) not per 8

one year ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

(only works for pyroch because they have diff wheeks for diff cuda versions)

3 years ago
0 (The Payload Is Not The Correct Form, Can That Be A Problem? I'D Rather Figure This Out Before I Recreate The Rather Convoluted Data Structure That Needs To Be Passed To It

(the payload is not the correct form, can that be a problem?

It might, but I assume you will get a different error

one year ago
0 I Have Set
  • try with the latest RC 1.8.1rc2

, it feels like after git clone, it spend minutes without outputting anything

yeah that is odd , can you run the agent with --debug (add before the daemon command) , and then at the end of the command add --foreground
Now launch the same task on that queue, you will have a verbose log in the console.
Let us know what you see

4 months ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

I think the limit is a few GB, I'm not sure, I'll have to check
And yes the oldest experiments will be deleted first (with the exception of published experiments, they will be deleted last)

3 years ago
0 Hi, Can You Pls Help Me? I Am Using V 0.14 (Will Update It Soon) And I Got The Following Error: /Usr/Bin/Python3.6: No Module Named Virtualenv Trains_Agent: Error: Command '['Python3.6', '-M', 'Virtualenv', '/Home/Ubuntu/.Trains/Venvs-Builds.2/3.6']' Ret

It should be the last line (or almost) of the Log. is it there ? Also it seems that from the log, that trains you are using trains 0.14.3 , try with trains 0.15 , let me know if you are still missing packages

4 years ago
0 Hi All! Please Tell Me Why The Almost The Last Version Of Docker-Compose Is Used (In The Example From The Site 1.24.1, Link

My question is, which version do you need docker compose?

Ohh sorry, there is no real restriction, we just wanted easy copy-paste for the installation process.

2 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hey, I Would Like My Experiment To Call At Some Point A Cli Program Installed As A Dependency Of The Experiment. Here Is What I Do:

Hi JitteryCoyote63
Just making sure, the package itself it installed as part of the "Installed packages", and it also installs a command line utility ?

3 years ago
0 Looking At Clearml-Serving - Two Questions - 1, What’S The Status Of The Project 2. How Does One Say How A Model Is Loaded And Served Etc? For Example, If I Have A Spacy Ner Model, I Need To Specify Some Custom Code Right?

clearml doesn’t do any “magic” in regard to this for tensorflow, pytorch etc right?

No 😞 and if you have an idea on how, that will be great.
Basically the problem is that there is no "standard" way to know which layer is in/out

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve Got A Quick Question About

Where is the cleamlr-server running? GCP as well?

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi, Anyone Seen This Issue?

MelancholyElk85 notice there is the pipeline controller queue (i.e. which agent will run the logic of the pipeline), and the default queue for the pipeline steps (i.e. the actual steps of the pipeline).
The default queue for the pipeline logic itself is services . you can change it ( pipeline.start(..., queue='another_q') )
Make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, If I Am Starting My Training With The Following Command:

If I call explicitly 

task.get_logger().report_scalar("test", str(parse_args.local_rank), 1., 0)

 , this will log as expected one value per process, so reporting works

JitteryCoyote63 and do prints get logged as well (from all processes) ?

2 years ago
0 Hey, Trying To Figure Out How To Create An

FierceHamster54 are you sure you have write permissions ?

one year ago
0 Hi! I'M Currently Considering Switching To Clearml. In My Current Trials I Am Using Up The Api Calls Very Quickly Though. Is There Some Way To Limit That? The Documentation Is A Bit Sparse On What Uses How Many Api Calls. Is It Possible To Batch Them For

f I log 20 scalars every 2000 training steps and train for 1 million steps (which is not that big an experiment), that's already 10k API calls...

They are batched together, so at least in theory if this is fast you should not get to 10K so fast, But a Very good point

Oh nice! Is that for all logged values? How will that count against the API call budget?

Basically this is the "auto flush" it will flash (and batch) all the logs in 30sec period, and yes this is for all the logs (...

one year ago
0 Hi All, Looking For Some Help When Executing Pipelines With Custom Docker Images. I Have A Component Defined And I Expect Its Python Runtime Environment To Be Managed By A Custom Docker Image (

Funny enough I’m running into a new issue now.

Sorry my bad, I thought have known 😉 yes it probably should be packages=["clearml==1.1.6"]
BTW: do you have any imports inside the pipeline function itself ? if you do not, then no need to pass "packages" at all, it will just add clearml

2 years ago
0 Hi There! I Am Using A Custom Clearml Installed In K8S Using The Official Helm-Chart (With Some Modifications). I Am Trying To Set Up Training That Runs From An Engineer’S Local Laptop In The K8S Cluster Using Clearml-Task. The Single File Variant (E.G. T

The problem is that even when I mount the SSH key into the root home directory (e.g.,


with the correct permissions set to 400) I still encounter the same error.

The agent automatically mount's the .ssh folder from the host into the container, making sure all the permissions are set,

how can I run

pip install -e .

in general the agent will add the "working" dir into the PYTHONPATH so that you should not have to manually do "-e ."

20 days ago
0 Hi All, I'M Wondering If I Could Use Clearml Agent To Use Multiple Machines In A Self-Hosted Server In Windows.

Hi @<1664079296102141952:profile|DangerousStarfish38>
You mean spin the agent on multiple Windows machines? Yes that is supported, I think that it is limited to venv (i.e. not docker) mode, but other than that should work out of the box

8 months ago
0 Hi Guys, Thanks For The Previous Discussion On Ml-Ops With Clearml Agent. I'M Still Not Sure How To Monitor A Training Job On K8S (That Wasn'T Scheduled By Clearml). My Clearml Server Is Deployed And Functional For Tracking Non-K8S Jobs. But For A K8S Job

That wasn't scheduled by ClearML).

This means that from Clearml perspective they are "manual" i.e the job it self (by calling Task.init) create the experiment in the system, and fills in all the fields.

But for a k8s job, I'm still unsuccessful.

HelpfulDeer76 When you say "unsuccessful" what exactly do you mean ?
Could it be they are reported to the clearml demo server (the default server if no configuration is found) ?

3 years ago
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