Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hey Guys Trying To Save A Model Via The Outputmodel.Update_Weights Function I Get The Following Error:
cannot schedule new futures after interpreter shutdown

This implies the process is shutting down.
Where are you uploading the model? What is the clearml version you are using ? can you check with the latest version (1.10) ?

one year ago
0 What Sort Of Integration Is Possible With Clearml And Sagemaker? On The Page

@<1532532498972545024:profile|LittleReindeer37> nice!!! 😍
Do you want to PR? it will be relatively easy to merge and test, and I think that they might even push it to the next version (or worst case quick RC)

one year ago
0 The

This is not very clear from the documentation

ElegantCoyote26 which documentation are you referring to ?

3 years ago
0 Is There Any Examples Of Mounting An Aws Efs Mount To A Self Hosted K8 Agent Deploy?

My task starts up and checks the mounted EFS volume for x data, if x data does not exist there, it then pulls x data from S3.

BoredHedgehog47 you can just use StorageManager and configure clearml cache for the EFS, it will essentially do the same πŸ™‚
Regrading helm chart with EFS,
you need to configure the clearml-glue pod template with the EFS mount
example :

one year ago
0 Hi, Can We Search Tasks Using Wildcard In The Webapp. Say I Have Task Names

Yes, actually the first step would be a toggle button for regexp in the search, the second will be even more advanced search.
May I suggest you post it on the UI suggestion issue https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/81 ?

3 years ago
0 How Can I Modify The Line Executed By The Agent At The Beginning

I think you are correct, we should move the definition so you can control it from the clearml.conf, make sense to you?

2 years ago
0 Hello All

It's more or less here:
I think that just replacing the package would be enough (I mean you could choose hub/lab, which makes sense to me)

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Community, Does Anyone Have An Idea How I Could Integrate/Manager Carla (

ReassuredTiger98 I ❀ the DAG in ASCII!!!

port = task_carla_server.get_parameter("General/port")

This looks great! and will acheive exactly what you are after.
BTW: when you are done you can do :
task_carla_server.mark_aborted(force=True)And it will shutdown the Clara Task πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 Is It Not Possible To Add Artifacts To A Completed Task?

task = Task.get_task('task_id_here') task.mark_started(force=True) task.upload_artifact(..., wait_on_upload=True) task.mark_completed()

3 years ago
0 I Have A Questions About Queue Priorities With Clearml-Agent. I Have Two Queues,

a task of queue B if the next task is of type A it will have to wait,

It seems you imply there are two types of Tasks and they need to be executed one after the other ?

3 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Schedule Pipelines On Events Like Dataset Update?

It's a good abstraction for monitoring the state of the platform and call backs, if this is what you are after.
If you just need "simple" cron, then you can always just loop/sleep πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi Folks, I Did A Deployment Of Clearml Using The K8S Helm Chart, And I Set The Agent Using K8S Glue. I Run A Task Locally, And I Went To The Ui Cloned The Experiment And Scheduled It In The Default Queue. After Doing This, I See That The Experiment Is Q

Martin I told you I can't access the resources in the cluster unfortunately

so it seems there is some misconfiguration of the k8s glue, because we can see it can "talk" to the clearml-server, but it seems it fails to actually create the k8s pod/job. I would start with debugging the k8s glue (not the services agents). Regardless, I think the next step is to get a log of the k8s glue pod, and better understand the issue.

2 years ago
0 I Cloned It And Scheduled It To The Default Queue, But It Is Not Being Processed. Is The Default Queue By Default Not Usable?

WickedGoat98 did you setup a machine with trains-agent pulling from the "default" queue ?

3 years ago
0 Hey All, Is There Any Reason The Python Sdk

BoredHedgehog47 could it be "python" python points to python 2.7 inside your container, as opposed to python3 on your machine
(this error is python2 trying to run python 3 code)
"Training classifier with command:\n python -m sfi.imagery.models.bbox_predictorv2.train

2 years ago
0 If I Am Using The Demo Servers, Do I Need To Do Something Special To Use

Hi HealthyStarfish45

  1. is there an advantage in using tensorboard over your reporting?

Not unless your code already uses TB or has some built in TB loggers.

html reporting looks powerfull, can one inject some javascript inside?

As long as the JS is self contained in the html script, anything goes :)

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, Following Up On This

I think you solved it πŸ™‚
How do you imagine a slicker interface ?

4 years ago
0 Hey All, I'M Testing The Usage Of

First I would check the CLI command it will basically prefill it for you:
Specifically to your question, working directory "." is the root of the git repo
But I would avoid adding it manually, use the CLI, it will either use ask you to provide info or take the git repo details from the local copy

2 years ago
0 Does Trains 0.16 Supports Pip >=20.2?

JitteryCoyote63 any specific reason for the question?

4 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Upload A Hyperdataset? Or Can We Only Upload Datasts

I want to store only my raw data in my blob storage, and I want to create a Hyperdataset with all the artificats, metrics, frames,

Yes that's exactly how it works.

This line adds a reference to raw file (local/remote)

2 months ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

BTW: the agent will resolve pytorch based on the install CUDA version.

3 years ago
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