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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 In Order For A New Worker To Come Online In My K8 Cluster, Do I Need To Have An Ec2 Startup Script Init The Agent/Config, And Then Start The Daemon? Do I Have To Do This Manually Is This A Better Way?

The agents are docker containers, how do I modify the startup script so it creates a queue?

Hmm actually not sure about that, might not be part of the helm chart.
So maybe the easiest is:
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient c = APIClient() c.queues.create(name="new_queue")

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Trying To Run Some Algorithm In My Docker Container With Clearml Task . But The Algorithm Uses Ros, So I Need Somehow To Setup Environment Before Run It And Launch

LazyFish41 just making sure, you built a container from the docker file, and used it as base docker image for the Task, is that correct ?
Also notice the cleaml-agent will not change the entry point of the docker meaning if the entry point does not end with plain bash, it will not actually run anything

3 years ago
0 Another Issue Is The Agent Uses Python 2 For Some Reason Even Though Locally I’M Using Python 3 And The Agent Is Supposed To Use A Python 3 Venv.

This is very odd "~/.clearml/venvs-builds.3/3.6/bin/python" it thinks it is using "python 3.6" but it is linked with python 2.7 ...
No idea how that could happen

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, Together With

I started a last one to confirm!

You mean a second run, just to make sure ?

4 years ago
0 Hello! Thank You All For Your Work! I Have A Question (Which Is Probably Not Clearml Related At All). I Am Using Clearml-Agent Running In Docker Mode On Several Machines With Gpu In Our Local Network And Get Different Behaviour Depending On How I Logged I

I think the main issue is that for some reason the container running changed one of the files inside the temp folder. then the host machine is "stuck" with a file that the root user owned/changed, and now it cannot reuse / delete the temp folder.
I think the fix is to make sure the container deleted the temp folder when it is done

2 years ago
0 Hi. I Have A

Are you saying this component should pull a specific git repo?
PipelineDecorator.component( ..., )seems like there is no reference to a specific repo (arguments repo and repo_branch etc are missing) is that correct?

2 years ago
0 So, I Have Just Started Using Clearml For Local Data And Experiment Tracking And Its Been Super Helpful. Now That I Am Moving Towards Deploying And Serving The Models Using Clearml-Serving And Triton. I Have Done Some Basic Experimenting With The Provided

Hi RipeAnt6

What would be the best way to add another model from another project say C to the same triton server serving the previous model?

You can add multiple call to cleaml-serving , each one with a new endpoint and a new project/model to watch, then when you launch it it will setup all endpoints on a single Triton server (the model optimization loading is taken care by Triton anyhow)

3 years ago
0 I Have Another Small Technical Question, I Am Trying To See The Workers Status Programatically Using The Folowing:

It's just the print (_ repr _) not showing the data
for w in client.workers.get_all(): print(w.data)

3 years ago
0 Hi Im Getting This Error And I Have No Idea How To Solve It, Please Help

Question - why is this the expected behavior?

It is πŸ™‚ I mean the original python version is stored, but pip does not support replacing python version. It is doable with conda, but than you have to use conda for everything...

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, Until Today I Always Requested Data Scientists To Use Cli To Create Tasks. After That I Usually Reconfigure Them So They Can Be Pointed On Git Repo And So On. Unfortunately This Is Becoming A Big Task Since Now We Have Pipelines With Many Tasks A


I'm trying to create a task that is not in repository root folder.

JuicyFox94 If the Task is not in a repo folder, you mean in a remote repository right ?
This means the repo should be in the form of " https://github.com/ " or "ssh://"
It failed in deducing this is a remote repository (maybe we can improve the auto detection?!)

3 years ago
0 If I Have A Task And A Dataset Is Being Created In A Task, How Can I Get A “Link” That This Dataset Is Created In This Task, Similar To How Model Has The Task Where It Came From

Also, the IDs as an entry in the Configuration will not be clickable in the web interface, right?

No, but on the other hand, it will be editable if you clone the Task.
Which brings me to a different scenario,
In the original one, the Main Task created the Dataset, i.e. Output Dataset (and stored it both ways).
I could think of a situation the Task is using the Dataset as input (say preprocessing or traing), then we might want to enable users to clone and change the Input dataset. wdyt?

3 years ago
0 Hi. Here'S A Question For

Hi FancyWhale93 , in your clear.conf configure default output uri, you can specify the file server as default, or any object storage:

2 years ago
0 Is The App/Ui/Backend Customizable? Any Tutorials For That?

CleanWhale17 per your request :)

An automated ML Pipeline πŸ‘ Automated Data Source Integration πŸ‘ Data Pooling and Web Interface for Manual Annotation of Images(Seg. / Classif) [Allegro Enterprise] or users integrate with open-source Storage of Annotation output files(versioned JSON) πŸ‘ Online-Training Β Support(for Dataset Shifts) [Not Sure what you mean] Data Pre-processessing (filter/augment) [Allegro Enterprise] or users integrate with open-source Data-set visualization(stats...

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Tried To Setup Clearml Serving And Ran The Example Given

Can you post here the docker-compose.yml you are spinning? Maybe it is the wring one?
Step 4 here:

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Tried To Setup Clearml Serving And Ran The Example Given

what are you getting when you are running:
docker psand what are you getting with:
netstat -natp | grep LISTEN

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Tried To Setup Clearml Serving And Ran The Example Given

Containers are not running

? but you are running the docker-compose, how come no containers are running ?

2 years ago
0 I'M Running Hyperparameter Tuning With Oputnaotimization. When Using Optuna It Is Possible To Save Studies As You Go And Pick Them Up Again In Case Of Crashes Etc. Is There Anyway Of Accessing The Optuna.Study Class So When We Run The Optunaoptimization W

yes, that makes sense to me.
What is your specific use case, meaning when/how do you stop / launch the hpo?
Would it make sense to continue from a previous execution and just provide the Task ID? Wdyt?

2 years ago
one year ago
3 years ago
0 Hello!

Hmm, in the credentials popup there should be a "secure connect" checkbox, it tells it to use https instead of http. Can you verify?

2 years ago
0 Different Question. How Can I Pass Pythonpath Env Variable To A Task, Run By Agent (So Python Can Find Classes Inside M Subdirectories)?

Different question. How can I pass PYTHONPATH env variable to a task, run by agent (so python can find classes inside m subdirectories)?

Hi HelpfulHare30
By default the working directory will be added to the python path, this means if I have under execution:
Working Dir: "." Script: "src/script.py"The root git repo will be added to the python path.
BTW: next RC you could add a flag to the agent to always add the git repo

2 years ago
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