To answer my own question: In the WebUI where one inputs the credentials, use https
for the host instead of the auto-added http
Hi ReassuredTiger98
To separate between minio and S3 we use:
s3://bucket/file for AWS S3 service and s3://server :port/bucket/file
for minio.
this means if your S3 links would have been s3://<minio-address>:<port>/bucket/file.bin
the UI would have popped the cred window.
Make sense ?
Hmm, in the credentials popup there should be a "secure connect" checkbox, it tells it to use https instead of http. Can you verify?
Yes, that works fine. Just the http vs https was the problem. The UI will automatically change s3://<minio-address>:<port>
in . However what is needed for me is https://<minio-address>:<port>