Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
one year ago
Badges 1
31 × Eureka!hi all, did anyone else encounter a bug with enqueuing new pipeline runs using the web GUI in version 1.9.0?
2 years ago
hi, was there any change in clearml-agent recently that caused it to ignore the environment variable $CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL? I had to spin new ...
2 years ago
Hi, Could use some help here. I have a pipeline that worked just fine last week. Now when creating a new run using the GUI, the pipeline task fails with a st...
one year ago
Hi, I'm having issue with running clearml-agent in docker mode. I spin up an agent in the following way: clearml-agent daemon --queue docker_test --docker nv...
one year ago
hi, Is there a way to move existing pipelines between projects? Use case: I want to utilize the new pipeline grouping option and view them by project name. T...
one year ago
Hi, is there a solution for user-roles? I want to give access to ClearML to a user outside the DS team, but only to view experiment results. I don't want the...
one year ago
Hi all, I recently updated my self-hosted clearml-server to 1.10 and it seemed to fail (see attached image). I checked the logs and could not find any errors...
one year ago
Hi all, Does ClearML has a feature that resembles W&B's reports?
2 years ago
Hi all, I'm having an issue running clearml-agent in docker mode. When enqueuing a task to the docker agent I get the following error: error: could not write...
one year ago
Hi, is there any way to upload data to a clearml dataset without compression at all? I have very small text files that make up a dataset and compression seem...
2 years ago
I'm seeing very high CPU usage by idle clearml-agents. Any idea why?
one year ago
hi, Is there a way to put scalars on the same plot? For example: I train a model using pytorch-lightning and the ClearML logger automatically logs both train...
2 years ago
Hi, quick question: Is there an easy way to spin multiple clearml-agents at once? (maybe something like clearml-agent daemon --queue -n 16) I know this can b...
2 years ago
CORS Support ## Hi All, I'm running a self-hosted ClearML server and I want to enable CORS on the fileserver, specifically Access-Control-Expose-Headers: "Ac...
2 years ago
qq - is there a way to control clearml-agent workers running on remote machines from the machine running clearml-server ? (either by GUI or CLI). The use cas...
one year ago