And is the $HOME variable set correctly?
it is /home
This is how we share user dirs across multiple servers. I think this might be a permissions issue though. will try changing the permissions on .gitconfig and let you know if that helps
these are the mounts I add:-v /home/some_username/workspace/:/root/workspace -v /software:/software -v /images:/images -v /data:/data -v /processedData:/processedData -v /disk1:/disk1 -v /disk2:/disk2 -v /disk3:/disk3 -v /disk4:/disk4 -v /disk5:/disk5 -v /disk6:/disk6 -v /disk8:/disk8
None of these seem problematic to me. The only issue I can think of is that /home is an external mount on the host machine (outside of docker). Should I mount it somewhere?
SuccessfulKoala55 the docker user is root, but it does not have the "sudo" group if that's what you mean. Is that required?
EDIT: I just ran "sudo ls" and it returned with no issues so I guess I do have sudo permission :man-shrugging:
Hi HugeArcticwolf77 , is it possible you do not have root privileges inside the docker container?
SuccessfulKoala55 any update on how to solve this?
IS it /home
? I think it's only a subdir of home
I could not reproduce it... I think the issue might be that this folder is mounted to some host folder which causes a problem - can you check the docker command and see where it's mounted to?
I checked the base docker image I use and noticed that a $HOME/.gitconfig file already exists. would that be an issue given that the .gitconfig of the current user is mounted to that path once the clearml task is run?