Badges 1
103 × Eureka!using the helm charts
I saw - but I don't think it is the correct one. the property
you will have to configure the credentials there (in a local
or using environment variables
This is the part that confuses me - is there a way to configure clearml.conf
from the values.yaml
? I would like the GKE to load the cluster with the correct credentials without logging into the pods and manually updating the claerml.conf
exactly - (that is how I used it in my initial code) - but if you have to convert it back to the original data type then something is broken...
AgitatedDove14 -
I also tried to
running the session
within docker but got the same error
clearml-session --docker
(there is a typo in git - --git-credent ila s -> --git-credent ials)
and still got the same error
clearml_agent: ERROR: Can not run task without repository or literal script in
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> -
I'm getting the following error when running the following code within the mp_worker
command = ["ffmpeg","-i",f"{url}","-vcodec","libx264", "output.mp4"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
TypeError: fork_exec() takes exactly 21 arguments (17 given)
Any suggestions?
CostlyOstrich36 - but we will use any method that will allow us to save the files as parquet.
We are not yet using clearml Dataset
- i'm not sure if this is a solution
This is my current solution[ds for ds in dataset.list_datasets() if ds['project'].split('/')[0]==<PROJEFCT_NAME>]
I'm looking for the bucket URI
I think my work flow needs to alter.
get the data into the bucket and then create the Dataset using the add_external_file
and then be able to consume the data locally or stream And then I can use - link_entries
But this is not on the pods, isn't it? We're talking about the python code running from COLAB or locally...?
correct - but where is the clearml.conf
so running the command clearml-agent -d list
returns the
I found the task in the UI -
execution section there is
No changes logged
Any other suggestions?
Ok - I can see that if I ran finalize(auto_upload=True)
on the dataset - I get all the information in the UI.
Way is this necessary?
Thx for your reply
We have assets in a GCP bucket.
The dataset is created and then the assets are linked to the dataset via the add_external_files
Are you running the "cleamrl-session" from your machine? (i.e. not from inside a docker) ?
correct - running it locally - not inside docker . Should I try to run within a docker?
Can you send the full clearml-session console output ?
see above
I think I have a lead.
looking at list of workers from clearml-agent list
is there a way to find the worker_name
in the above example the worker_id
is clearml-server-agent-group-cpu-agent-5df4476cfc-j54gh:0
but I'm not able to stop this worker using the command
clearml-agent daemon --stop
since this orphan worker has no corresponding clearml.conf
Using the method. It works well, but only saves it as a csv
(which is very problematic since when loading the artifact none of the data types of the columns are preserved...)
Hi SweetBadger76 ,
Well - apparently I was mistaken.
I still have a ghost worker that i'm mot able to remove (I had 2 workers on the same queue - that caused my confusion).
I can see it in the UI and when I run clearml-agent list
And although I'm stoping the worker specificallyclearml-agent daemon --stop <worker_id>
I'm gettingCould not find a running clearml-agent instance with worker_name=<worker_id> worker_id=<worker_id>