Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi, We Have Started To Use Clearml Using The 

We have started to use clearml using the  https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_kubernetes_helm  , and trying to understand how to configure the  https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/integrations/storage#configuring-google-storage    within the  https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml/values.yaml .
Is the  google.storage  in the storage integration the same key as in the  googleCredentials  in the  values.yaml ?
Is there a way to store the  clearml.conf  in a  gcp bucket  , and allow the services to read the configuration from the bucket?
Any directions would be appreciated

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 23

Unless it's required by an agent you're spinning up alongside the server?

Posted 2 years ago

Thx for you response,
Yes - we are using the above repo.
We would like to have easy/cheaper access to the artifacts etc. that will be output from the experiments

Posted 2 years ago

But this is not on the pods, isn't it? We're talking about the python code running from COLAB or locally...?

Posted 2 years ago

The extra configurations in the diagram are server configurations. The storage settings are always client configurations

Posted 2 years ago

Hi SuccessfulKoala55
Thx again for your help

in case of the google colab, the values can be provided as environment variables

We still need to run the code in a colab environment (or remote client)
do you have any example for setting the environment variables?
For a general environment variable there is an example
! export MPLBACKEND=TkAgBut what would be for the clearml.conf ?
retrieving we can use


but how would the setting work? we did not manage to work with

Posted 2 years ago

But this is not on the pods, isn't it? We're talking about the python code running from COLAB or locally...?

correct - but where is the clearml.conf file?

Posted 2 years ago

That's the most recent and update k8s/helm support

Posted 2 years ago

Thx again for your time

Happy to be of assistance 🙂

running the python code from 


 or locally

Since the Python code using the ClearML SDK is the one uploading stuff to the storage, you will have to configure the credentials there (in a local clearml.conf or using environment variables). The ClearML Server itself running in GKE (so I understand) doesn't need the credentials since it will never try to access the storage - it only holds links to the storage.

I was able to view the 


 directly (and not through the WebApp)  in the bucket- Is it possible to do so in ClearML?

Well, if you have some way of browsing the bucket conveniently, you can of course see the artifact there, it's just a file, stored under a directory structure with the Project name and the task ID

Posted 2 years ago

Another option - copy your clearml.conf from the drive:
from google.colab import drive drive.mount("/content/drive") !cp /content/drive/My\ Drive/clearml.conf ~

Posted 2 years ago


you will have to configure the credentials there (in a local 


 or using environment variables

This is the part that confuses me - is there a way to configure clearml.conf from the values.yaml ? I would like the GKE to load the cluster with the correct credentials without logging into the pods and manually updating the claerml.conf file

Posted 2 years ago

Also (sorry for the mess 🙂 ) - see this - https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/guides/ide/google_colab

Posted 2 years ago

Also, why would you need the Google Storage support in the ClearML server?

Posted 2 years ago

Just for the record - for who ever will be searching for a similar setup with colab

prerequisitecreate a dedicated Service Account (I was not able to authenticate with a regular User credentials (and not SA)) get SA key ( credentials.json ) Upload json to an ephemeral location (e.g. root of colab)login into ClearML Web UI - Create access key for user - https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/webapp/webapp_profile#creating-clearml-credentials prepare credentials` %%bash

export api=cat <<EOF api { web_server: < > api_server: < > files_server: < > credentials { "access_key" = "<clearml USER access_key>" "secret_key" = "<clearmlUSER secret_key>" } } sdk { google.storage { credentials = [ { bucket: "<GCS-BUCKET>" # subdir: "path/in/bucket" # Not required project: "<GCP PROJECT_ID>" credentials_json: "/content/<clearml-SA.json>" }, ] } } EOF
echo "$api" > /root/clearml.conf Client/Task Setup project_name = new_prj # or what ever you want
experiment_name = 'experiment1' # or whatever
output_uri=' '

When creating a new project

task = Task.init(project_name=project_name, task_name=experiment_name, output_uri=output_uri)

When connecting to an existing Project and want to create a new experiment

task = Task.create(project_name=project_name}, task_name='experiment2')

When connecting to an existing experiment

task=Task.get_task(project_name=project_name, task_name='experiment2')

logger = task.get_logger() `

Posted 2 years ago

I suggest to try that first locally

Posted 2 years ago

Thx again for your time -

Where the experiment is being executed

Not sure I understand what you mean by this -
Assuming that we are running the ClearML on GKE (we have succeeded doing so) - and running the python code from COLAB or locally. Where do we configure the Google Storage ? how can the helm / k8s dynamically load the clearml.conf ? is it only from values.yaml ?

Where you view your experiment

In mlflow I was able to view the artifact directly (and not through the WebApp) in the bucket- Is it possible to do so in ClearML?

Posted 2 years ago

Feeling that we are nearly there ....
One more question -
Is there a way to configure Clearml to store all  the  artifacts    and the  Plots   etc. in a bucket instead of manually uploading/downloading the artifacts from within the client's code?
Specifying the output_uri in Task.init saves the the checkpoints, what about the rest of the outputs?

Posted 2 years ago

Hi OutrageousSheep60 , did you use https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts ?

Posted 2 years ago

The clearml.conf is a file that is located in your home folder (locally), or, in case of the google colab, the values can be provided as environment variables

Posted 2 years ago

We would like to have easy/cheaper access to the artifacts etc. that will be output from the experiments

I see, but you have two different points in the system that use the storage:
Where the experiment is being executed - that can be your machine, or a remote machine (using ClearML Agent) - you need to make sure clearml.conf contains the correct credentials there in order to be able to upload the data to Google Storage. However, if you're not running the experiment in k8s, there's no need to configure these credentials there Where you view your experiment (and artifacts, and possibly download them) - that's the browser, which is running on your own machine in any case. There are different ways to make sure the ClearML WebApp can access your files (in the Google Storage case, I believe that's being handled automatically when your browser is signed into your Google account, and your user has the required permissions in Google Storage). This will not involve clearml.conf as the browser is running the WebApp in a sandbox and it has no access to local files on your machine.

Posted 2 years ago

Great - Thx for the clarifications!

Posted 2 years ago
23 Answers
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