When I run clearml-data close on an 84mb file, I get the following response 413 Request Entity Too Large 413 Request Entity Too Large nginxYet the file is st...
2 years ago
Was there any changes to clearML python SDK in the past 24 hours?
2 years ago
Does Clearml Have The Ability To Run A Single Experiment Across Multiple Nodes/Gpus In A K8 Cluster?
Does ClearML have the ability to run a single experiment across multiple nodes/GPUs in a k8 cluster?
2 years ago
How do I create an experiment where I can set the github repository/branch name/script path like this example shows?
2 years ago
I'm new to using datasets, if my git project root is myProject and I expect file.json to be at the root level, how do I accomplish this?
2 years ago
or is it just the ubuntu official image https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L59
2 years ago
Hey all, is there any reason the python sdk clearml would cause subprocess issues? I'm calling returncode = Popen(cmd).wait() and getting File "/usr/lib64/py...
2 years ago
apiserver: service: type: ClusterIP configuration: additionalConfigs: apiserver.conf: | auth { fixed_users { enabled: true pass_hashed: false users: [ { user...
2 years ago
Yesterday I executed an experiment in our hosted clearML cluster. After the experiment was finished, we got an AWS guard duty notification about suspicious o...
2 years ago
If I leave WORKING DIRECTORY empty in the experiment configuration (in the UI), will that use the git project root by default?
2 years ago
What does this log message mean ClearML Monitor: Could not detect iteration reporting, falling back to iterations as seconds-from-start ?
2 years ago
Is there any additional configuration needed for PYTHONPATH to be setup properly in the clearml agent? I'm getting python import errors from the root directo...
2 years ago
Where I can change this host name using the helm charts? I got this error when my task is fetching a dataset. 2022-09-23 15:09:45,318 - clearml.storage - ERR...
2 years ago
When I run an experiment (self hosted), I only see scalars for GPU and System performance. How do I see additional scalars? I have "tensorboard": { "enabled"...
2 years ago
Why am I getting a 403 from file server when the k8 glue agent is initializing ?
2 years ago
I'm trying to configure the glue agent to use AWS ECR via helm charts. Below is my configuration. It is not pulling the image though, it is failing with K8S ...
2 years ago
When I try to create experiment in the UI all I see is this dialogue
2 years ago
If I have an AWS key/secret for an IAM user, what is the best way to pass in these credentials so the task docker container has credentials generated for usa...
2 years ago
In my git repo, I have a setup.py , how would I run pip install -e . rather than using --packages or --requirements
2 years ago
In order for a new worker to come online in my k8 cluster, do I need to have an EC2 startup script init the agent/config, and then start the daemon? Do I hav...
2 years ago
Hey all, I'm testing the usage of SETUP SHELL SCRIPT in the experiment window. I added a simple command but did not see it in the console. The task did execu...
2 years ago
Also is this the image that is used for experiments? https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L38-L39
2 years ago
Hey everyone, I'm trying to add a test user to the api server config. Here is a snippet form my values.yaml file. Do I have this formatted correctly? I'm not...
2 years ago
In a nutshell, what do I need for the clearML agent to scale EC2 nodes in the k8 cluster, in terms of helm configuration? I assume AWS credentials, is there ...
2 years ago
Is there any examples of mounting an AWS EFS mount to a self hosted k8 agent deploy? https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearm...
2 years ago
When my remote task is installing the python dependencies --packages requests for example, is there any caching "magic" that is done by the k8 agent? Or is i...
2 years ago