Hi WackyRabbit7 ,
You can find all the api docs https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/api/index , and for task.get_all
https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/api/tasks#post-tasksget_all 🙂
WackyRabbit7 , please skim over here 🙂
I think you can get project name from here:
Very similar to a task, a project has also a unique identifier - the ID (Although I think project names are also unique)
You can get the project ID either from UI (If you go to a specific project, the project ID will be in the url) or from the api as documented in:
or from the sdk as documented here:
Plug that project ID into the filter of tasks.get_all and you'll get what you're looking for 🙂
Hahahah thanks for the help SuccessfulKoala55 & CostlyOstrich36
I really do feel it would be a nice to have the ability to easily configure the Cleanup Service to cleanup only specific projects / tasks as its a common use case to have a project dedicated for debugging and alike
I meant the cleanup service is part of the examples 🙂 - you're welcome to add this option (like CostlyOstrich36 said earlier), and add it to the example code in a PR
WackyRabbit7 don't you know everything has an ID? 😆 even I do 😉
I might just do that, it will be my second contribution to ClearML 🙂
thx TimelyPenguin76
skimming over this, I can't find how to filter by project name or something similar
bottom line I want to edit the cleanup service code to only delete tasks under a specific project - how do I do that?
Well, since it's part of the example code, we would welcome any contributions/PRs 🙂
Example code? I didn't see anywhere an example of filtering using project name
I did, but I only find task name, I'm looking to filter by the project
I know tasks have a name and an ID - but projects?
I only found Project ID, which I'm not sure what this refers to - I have the project name