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73 Questions, 550 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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33 Answers
0 Votes 33 Answers 12K Views
Question about the auto scaling service Under extra_trains_conf when I supply a configuration file path, should it be a path on the trains server running the...
3 years ago
0 Votes
9 Answers
0 Votes 9 Answers 890 Views
Where can I find a more extensive documentation of serving? I'm looking for How to write pre + post processing callbacks for inference and statistics Manual ...
2 years ago
0 Votes
6 Answers
0 Votes 6 Answers 931 Views
4 years ago
0 Votes
24 Answers
0 Votes 24 Answers 801 Views
Question about the file server. Currently, we have a machine with MINIO installed, and all file communication is made using the MINIO SDK client. [MINIO is j...
3 years ago
0 Votes
6 Answers
0 Votes 6 Answers 1K Views
Assuming I want to report to the same task from two different processes (running on different machines) - how would I do that? So I have some function foo th...
one year ago
0 Votes
4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 798 Views
Got something very wrong with my pipeline, the pipeline plot shows it has an experiment in_progress but when going to the experiment itself it is already com...
2 years ago
0 Votes
11 Answers
0 Votes 11 Answers 991 Views
What is the correct way of setting environment variables for agents which DON'T RUN in docker mode? Do they simply inherit from the environment they were exe...
2 years ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 802 Views
Is there a robust way (using the SDK and not the UI) to add tags to Task regardless of where it is executed?
2 years ago
0 Votes
5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 871 Views
I must compliment the Python level and documentation level in the source code is superb, I love reading it 😄 Even though I love reading it, is there anywher...
3 years ago
0 Votes
30 Answers
0 Votes 30 Answers 866 Views
I have to say I'm totally confused by the pipeline I want to execute the pipeline on my local computer. I followed https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/...
3 years ago
0 Votes
32 Answers
0 Votes 32 Answers 13K Views
I have a set up an agent, on a GPU machine, and spun up the daemon in docker moder, and specifically specified a GPU that it will work with. The image is oka...
4 years ago
0 Votes
8 Answers
0 Votes 8 Answers 862 Views
So I decided to re-create my clearml server, I rm -r /opt/clearml and did all the steps again. Now my UI looks like this, any idea why?
2 years ago
0 Votes
12 Answers
0 Votes 12 Answers 856 Views
Is there a way to run a pipeline ( PipelineController ) without using a clearml-agent ? I can't get it to work with the agent, since the task requirements is...
3 years ago
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0 I'M Looking To Utilize The Trains Aws Autoscaler Functionality, But After Going Through Its Docs A Few Times I Still Don'T Get It. Ultimately, My Setup Is That I Have Multiple Data Scientists Working On Static Instances, And They Have Queues Available To

So once I enqueue it is up? Docs says I can configure the queues that the auto scaler listens to in order to spin up instances, inside the auto scale task - I wanted to make sure that this config has nothing to do to where the auto scale task was enqueued to

3 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi There Everyone! We'Re Working On Some Better Ux For Triggering And Scheduling Functions And Would Love To Pick Your Brains

First of all I wasn't aware that was an option - but I think it's preferable to be able to do it through the command line. Because I'm developing the pipeline to be executed remotely, but for debugging I run it locally.

Using what you showed I can obviously write it, and delete it once it is ready, and rewrite it when I'm debugging or adding features - but I think DX-wise it would be nicer to be able to trigger this functionality through the command line

2 years ago
0 Using

2021-10-11 10:07:19 ClearML results page: `
2021-10-11 10:07:20
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tasks/hpo_n_best_evaluation.py", line 256, in <module>
main(args, task)
File "tasks/hpo_n_best_evaluation.py", line 164, in main
trained_models = get_models_from_task(task=hpo_task)
File "tasks/hpo_n_best_evaluation.py", line 72, in get_models_from_task
with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/elior/.clearml/c...

2 years ago
0 How Do I Restart Trains-Agents? How Do I Stop Them?

Maybe something similar to dockers, that I could name each one of my trains agents and then refer to them by name something like

trains-agent daemon --name agent_1 ...

trains-agent stop/start

I've dealt with this earlier today because I set up 2 agents, one for each GPU on a machine, and after editing configurations I wanted to restart only one of them (because the other was working) and then I noticed I don't know which one to kill

4 years ago
0 How Come

if I called .start_locally

2 years ago
0 How Do I Get Access To

Cool - what kind of objects are returned by .artifacts. getitem ? I want to check their docs

3 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Run A Pipeline (

can't really see how this configuration effects the agents

3 years ago
0 And An Explicit Question: When Using

if I set it to 24 does it explode?

3 years ago
0 What Is Being Stored Exactly In

I'll just exclude .cfg files from the deletion, my question is how to recover, must i recreate the agents or there is another way?

2 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Run A Pipeline (

I can easily see how this problem can reoccur

3 years ago
0 Hey! I Was Wondering Is It Possible To Change The Ports Of The Trains Server? We Hope To Run A Trains Server Locally On Our Own Server, But We Already Use Some Of The Default Ports. When I Changed Some Of The Outgoing Ports In The Docker-Compose, The Trai

Yep, the trains server is basically a docker-compose based service.
All you have to do is change the ports in the docker-compose.yml file.

If you followed the instructions in the docs you should find that file in /opt/trains/docker-compose.yml and then you will see that there are multiple services ( apiserver , elasticsearch , redis etc.) and in each there might be a section called ports which then states the mapping of the ports.
The number on the left, is ...

4 years ago
0 Following The Instructions For Local Trains Deployment On Linux (

Wait, suddenly the UI changed to 0.16.1, seems like I was shown a cached page

3 years ago
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