Is there a way to programatically access the tasks a PipelineController launched? I have the clearml.Task object in hand and I wonder how to access all the t...
3 years ago
Why would the Mongo4 migration scripts (for clearml-server 1.2) try to chown 1000:1000?
3 years ago
Is there a robust way (using the SDK and not the UI) to add tags to Task regardless of where it is executed?
2 years ago
Question, Lets say I'm Kaggling, as you might know some "Code Competitions" are restricted from internet access. In the general case, you might have some inf...
4 years ago
How come I use logger.report_matplotlib_figure and get as a result a plotly figure??? O_O
3 years ago
Question, when using PipelineController.add_step and specifying a task name + project, if the task + project combinations have multiple runs, which one will ...
3 years ago
I must compliment the Python level and documentation level in the source code is superb, I love reading it 😄 Even though I love reading it, is there anywher...
3 years ago
Following the instructions for local trains deployment on Linux ( ) seems to download versi...
4 years ago
Question about the usage of trains agents. In our company we have 3 HPC servers, two of them have multiple GPUs, one is CPU only. I saw in the docs the multi...
4 years ago
Question about the trains agent and the git credentials When setting a trains agent, it is possible to configure git credentials for it and I'm trying to fig...
4 years ago
Getting a super weird error. Everything works fine on local, when trying to run on remote, getting this error failing to apply the git diff could not apply d...
4 years ago
Question about the file server. Currently, we have a machine with MINIO installed, and all file communication is made using the MINIO SDK client. [MINIO is j...
4 years ago
Executed from within a PipelineController task, what possible reason does current_task() have to return None ? 2021-11-07T11:32:43.7366887Z clearml.Task.curr...
3 years ago
Moreover, when I go to the queue page, I see the queue is empty, but when I'm on the queued task's page I can see it is enqueued to right right queue... So t...
3 years ago
I've been working a bit with trains-agent, having them deployed on different machines listening to queues (docker mode) and it's been working good so far. My...
4 years ago
I have a data scientist constantly having the same problem. If she did not push his latest changes to git, she gets the following error Using cached reposito...
4 years ago
(no menu on top or side)
3 years ago
Any documentation (code examples) on how to log custom plotly plots?
3 years ago
Is there an auto scaling solution for GCP users?
4 years ago
Trying to enqueue a task through the UI, getting this error - what could it be? (Running on AWS, on the official trains AMI) Error 100 : General data error: ...
4 years ago
How would I go downloading a table that I have reported using logger.report_table ? In the UI downloading it as a JSON downloads it a in a weird format which...
3 years ago
Got something very wrong with my pipeline, the pipeline plot shows it has an experiment in_progress but when going to the experiment itself it is already com...
3 years ago
What is the correct way of setting environment variables for agents which DON'T RUN in docker mode? Do they simply inherit from the environment they were exe...
3 years ago
to a private repo obviously
3 years ago
Question about using agents. When initializing an agent, credentials are required. As I see it, credentials is something personal, which belongs to data scie...
4 years ago
Is it possible to ask an agent to use a specified existing python environment instead of building one from scratch?
3 years ago
Assuming I have a trains server installed on Machine A, a trains agent installed on Machine B and I'm developing on Machine C. Is it possibe to launch a task...
4 years ago
and an explicit question: When using Task.get_tasks how do I filter by specific parameters? For example I have a script that accepts as a command line argume...
3 years ago
I'm running multiple trains-agents on one BFG-9000 machine. Is there a way to stop only one agent? trains-agent daemon --stop is my only option right now, bu...
4 years ago
Question about the configuration format - I'd like to parse it within my Python code so I'll be able to access things like programa...
4 years ago