Hey, ClearML team! When can we expect an updated roadmap? Last one is from august https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlPiDO2EzDq_HRvuVhYwPh5F_IsjgmmRTlPNdHi...
3 years ago
Do I understand correctly, that running Dataset.list_datasets(only_completed=False)should return all datasets from all projects?
3 years ago
None “You can view the reported text in the ClearML Web-App (UI) , RESULTS tab, LOG sub-tab.” But I don’t see a LOG sub-tab. Using the community server
3 years ago
What’s the point of tracking artifacts dynamically? https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/examples/reporting/artifacts.html#dynamically-tracked-artifacts In t...
3 years ago
I just posted a GH issue which totally prevents me from using a scheduler. https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/648 Maybe I missed something, but it l...
2 years ago
Hi! I have a GPU workstation at the office (no public ip) with latest clearml-agent installed. When I was in the same network - I was able to use clearml-ses...
3 years ago
I have an inference task in Clearml where I apply a model (defined in input params) to a dataset. Clearml registers the model as an input model, which is nic...
2 years ago
I have a reporting task I want to schedule using TaskScheduler. 2 main input params are datetime_from and datetime_to (which is datetime.now() by default). I...
2 years ago
Found this placeholder project on pypi: https://pypi.org/project/clearml-serving/ Should we expect some good news from Allegro team soon? 😃
3 years ago
I have open source version of clearml-server 1.4.0 installed in our k8s cluster. I was manually cleaning up old experiments through UI. For that I have selec...
2 years ago
I have a bunch of python modules with clearml tasks. They are using 3rd-party libraries but no module uses code from another module. When I run such a task r...
2 years ago
I have a notebook which is uncommited. It is being run on a remote machine with clearml-agent through clearml-session. Everything with newest versions, serve...
3 years ago
I’m using catboost for training, but sadly it does not have a native integration with clearml (xgboost and lightgbm do have integrations). But catboost write...
3 years ago
bug: There a bunch of phantom tasks in a queue: they are archived and in status draft. Trying to remove them results in a “Remove Queue failed” popup. If I d...
3 years ago
How can I upload a model manually if I’m training using catboost framework, which is not natively supported by http://clear.ml ? I checked the docs, e.g. htt...
3 years ago
I want to run my clearml task on an agent in k8s together with a memory profiler (maybe https://github.com/plasma-umass/scalene or https://github.com/pythons...
3 years ago
how can I make sure that S3 artifacts will be deleted, when I delete an experiment from UI? Credentials for S3 with write-permission are set up in UI, but I ...
2 years ago
question about using s3 as artifact storage - do we need to setup s3 credentials on every system that is using those artifacts (e.g. in clearml-agent where m...
3 years ago