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10 Questions, 47 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 4 Answers 815 Views
Hi everyone! I have a question about the pipeline controller: I would like to build a ml pipeline similar to the one at https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 8 Answers 792 Views
2 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 611 Views
3 years ago
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12 Answers
0 Votes 12 Answers 798 Views
Hi all, I was wondering if it is possible to set the AWS Autoscaler (and other AWS services such as S3) to assume the permissions of a specific IAM Role. I d...
3 years ago
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25 Answers
0 Votes 25 Answers 746 Views
3 years ago
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0 Votes 4 Answers 721 Views
Hi everyone, I'm trying to launch a ClearML task with AWS Lambda. What I'd like to do is simply to use Task.create() to launch a task that will be executed r...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 813 Views
3 years ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 701 Views
Hi all, I'm currently experiencing some problems with the ClearML Server, I deployed my own server on a AWS ec2instance using ami-0d9fbf285df0b3067 (v0.17.0)...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 633 Views
2 years ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 673 Views
3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Was Wondering If It Is Possible To Set The Aws Autoscaler (And Other Aws Services Such As S3) To Assume The Permissions Of A Specific Iam Role. I Didn'T Find Any Reference To This In The Documentation

FriendlySquid61 Your solution seems to have solved the problem. But only after I removed the export CLEARML_API_HOST={api_server}
export CLEARML_WEB_HOST={web_server}
export CLEARML_FILES_HOST={files_server}
command from the bash script executed when the instance is launched

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone! I Have A Question About The Pipeline Controller: I Would Like To Build A Ml Pipeline Similar To The One At

Hi AgitatedDove14
I implemented the pipeline manually as you suggested. I also used task.wait_for_status() after each task.enqueue() so I was able to implement a full pipeline in one script. It seems to be working correctly. Thank you!

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Hi AgitatedDove14 , I'm interested in this feature to run the agent and force it to install packages from requirements.txt. Is it available?

3 years ago
0 Hi All! I'M Using Clearml With Hydra As Configuration Manager. I'M Trying To Rerun A Task By Overriding Some Of The Configurations From The Ui. I Tried To Change The Config_Name Args In The Args Section And Also The Omegaconf Configuration In Configuratio

` # ClearML - Hydra Example

from clearml import Task

from dataclasses import dataclass

import hydra
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

class MySQLConfig:
host: str = "localhost"
port: int = 3306

cs = ConfigStore.instance()

Registering the Config class with the name 'config'.

cs.store(name="config", node=MySQLConfig)

def my_app(cfg: MySQLConfig) -> None:
# type (DictConfig) -> None

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Trying To Launch A Clearml Task With Aws Lambda. What I'D Like To Do Is Simply To Use Task.Create() To Launch A Task That Will Be Executed Remotely. The Main Problem Is That Task.Create() Seems To Be Relying On

Hi TimelyPenguin76 , I tried your approach and it works, thank you! However it's a bit different to what I was trying to do: instead of cloning an existing task I'd like to specify the repository and a specific commit tag to use as it is done in Task.create. If this is possible with the API client it would be perfect

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

"Pytorch Lightning need the s3fs " s3fs is not needed, let PL store the model locally and use "output_uri" to automatically upload the model to your S3 bucket.

So I can set output_uri = "s3://<bucket_name>/prefix" and the local models will be loaded into the s3 bucket by ClearML ?

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

As an example, in Task.create() there is the possibility to install packages using a requirements.txt, and if not specified, it uses the requirements.txt of the repository. I'd like something like for Task.init() if possible

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

My problem right now is that Pytorch Lightning need the s3fs package to store model checkpoint into s3 buckets, but in my "installed packages" is not imported and I get an import error

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Back to the feature request, if this is taken care of (both adding a missed package, and the S3 upload), do you still believe there is a room for this kind of feature?

Well, I can set import(s3fs) even if I don't really use it in my own code. One problem could be if this happen for a lot of packages, therefore I'd need to add this import to all my entry points of all my repos. While if I just download the right packages from the requirements.txt than I don't need to think about...

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Make sure you have the S3 credentials in your agent's clearml.conf

Ok this could be a problem, as right now I'm using ec2-instances with a instance-profile (I use it in the autoscaler) so they have by the default the right s3 permissions. But I'll try it anyway

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Yes it does 👍 Btw, at the moment I added import(s3fs) in my entry point and it's working, thank you!

3 years ago
0 Hi All! I'M Using Clearml With Hydra As Configuration Manager. I'M Trying To Rerun A Task By Overriding Some Of The Configurations From The Ui. I Tried To Change The Config_Name Args In The Args Section And Also The Omegaconf Configuration In Configuratio

Hi AgitatedDove14 , I noticed that in the Hydra parameters section it is not possible to add as parameters keys string with dots: .(dot) $(dollar) and space are not allowed in parameter key. However, it's very useful to add parameters with the dot to change something in a sub-configuration as, for example, training.max_epochs=10 . Do you think it's possible to allow this?

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

if in the "installed packages" I have all the packages installed from the requirements.txt than I guess I can clone it and use "installed packages"

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'D Like To Know If There Is A Way To Include A Process Like Aws Autoscaler And Its Configurations Inside The Clearml Helm Chart. My Goal Is To Automatically Run The Aws Autoscaler Task On A Clearml-Agent Pod When I Deploy The Clearml Services On The

Hi AgitatedDove14 , do you mean the the k8s glue autoscaler here https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/blob/master/examples/k8s_glue_example.py ? If yes, I understood that this service deploys pods on the nodes in the cluster, but I'd prefer to have a new instance deployed for each new experiment and that it also terminates when no new experiments are queued

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'D Like To Know If There Is A Way To Include A Process Like Aws Autoscaler And Its Configurations Inside The Clearml Helm Chart. My Goal Is To Automatically Run The Aws Autoscaler Task On A Clearml-Agent Pod When I Deploy The Clearml Services On The

AgitatedDove14 that seems like the best option. Once the aws autoscaler is inside a docker container I can deploy it inside a kube pod or a job. This, however, requires that I slightly modify the clearml helm chart with the aws-autoscaler deployment, right?

2 years ago
0 Hi All! I'M Using Clearml With Hydra As Configuration Manager. I'M Trying To Rerun A Task By Overriding Some Of The Configurations From The Ui. I Tried To Change The Config_Name Args In The Args Section And Also The Omegaconf Configuration In Configuratio

Ok now I noticed that If I change the value of the port inside the Hydra parameters section ( not the overrides) It does actually change also in the experiment. The overrides doesn't seem to be working

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'D Like To Know If It'S Possible To Change The Artifact File Path That Is Shown In The Ui. I'D Need This Because I Have Clearml Agents That Are Running In The Same Vpc Of The Server, So They Use The Internal Dns For The Api Server And Files Server An

Hi AgitatedDove14 , thank you for your answer!
At the moment I can't configure both internal/external with the same dns. Before changing the server infrastructure, i'm trying a workaround where I upload the artifact with the internal file server path, and then I upload a string artifact which is the first artifact url where I replace the internal dns with the external dns, and use it to download the artifact from the UI.

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Because at the moment I'm having a problem with the s3fs package where I have it in my requirements.txt but the import manager at the entry point doesn't install it

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Was Wondering If It Is Possible To Set The Aws Autoscaler (And Other Aws Services Such As S3) To Assume The Permissions Of A Specific Iam Role. I Didn'T Find Any Reference To This In The Documentation

Hi AgitatedDove14 , FriendlySquid61 ! I managed to grant permission to the AWS autoscaler to spin instances using the instance profile as suggested by FriendlySquid61 . The instances are created and terminated correclty, however the new instances don't executed the queued task and shutdown immediately. I noticed that the clearml credential at
self.web_server = Session.get_app_server_host()
self.api_server = Session.get_api_server_host()
` self.files_server = S...

3 years ago
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