SmallBluewhale13 what is the server version?
doing that now, this is the ami used for deployment if that helps ami-006f3e468e893fc99
Hi SmallBluewhale13 - can you go to http://<your ip>:8080/version.json
and copy what you get?
Hi SmallBluewhale13 , you should be able to compare experiments regardless if they were cloned from the same task - what are the issues you've been having?
SmallBluewhale13 - plot comparing only shows the last iteration, where as the individual info screen displayed the last 5 iterations. Could this explain the issue?
I can't see it, where should i be looking?
SmallBluewhale13 I would suggest upgrading to the latest server version (1.0.2)
Are you using a self-hosted server, or the free hosted service in ?
thanks will update, why do you think it failed?
Can you send a screenshot (with all sensitive data masked, of course)?
I have the iteration set to 0 for all charts. I'm using a self-hosted server.
When I limit to log one chart and compare 3 experiments I now get a single chart for the first experiment I clicked compare on. With no charts showing for the other two.
Go to the profile page, it should appear there
I'm trying to compare experiments, works on all the tabs excluding plots, where the plots are blank.
However when I look at the individual tasks I can see the plots.