Badges 1
93 × Eureka!Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......that makes sense,
AgitatedDove14 I think the major issue is working out how to get the setup of the node dynamically passed to the VMSS so when it creates a node it does the following:
Provisions the correct environment for the clearml-agent
. Installs the clearml-agent
and sets up the clearml.conf
file with the access credentials for the server and file storage. Executes the clearml-agent
on the correct queue, ready for accepting jobs.
In Azure VMSS, there is a method called "Cust...
AgitatedDove14 I would love to help the project.
I am just about to move house, which is stressful enough without a global pandemic(!), so until that's completed I won't commit to anything. However, once settled in the new place, and I have a bit more time, I would very much welcome contributing.
AgitatedDove14 apologies, I read my previous message, I think perhaps it came across as way more passive aggressive than I was intending. Amazing how missing a few words from a sentence can change the entire meaning! 😀
What I meant to say was, it's going to be a busy few months for us whilst we move house, so I didn't want to say I'd contribute and then disappear for two months!
I've been working on a Azure load balancer example, heavily based on the AWS example. The load balanc...
Yes, there's an internal provisioning for it from the Azure VMSS.
However, that would mean passing back the hostname to the Autoscaler class.
Right now as it's written, the spin_up_worker
method doesn't update the class attributes. Following the AWS example that is also the case, where I can see it merely takes the arguments given, such as worker id, and constructs a node with those parameters e.g. hostname etc.
Looking at the supervisor
method of the base AutoScaler
I am bit confused because I can see configuration sections Azure storage in the clearml.conf files, but these are on the client pc and the clearml-agent compute nodes.
So do these parameters have to be set on the clients and compute nodes individually, or is something that can be set on the server?
Ok, after configuration file huge detour, we are now back to fixing genuine issues here.
To recap, in order to get the Triton container to run and to be able to connect to Azure Blob Storage, the following changes were made to the launch_engine
method of the ServingService
For the task creation call:
The docker string was changed remove the port specifications [to avoid the port conflicts error]. The addition of packages argument was required, as the doc...
SuccessfulKoala55 WearyLeopard29 could this be a potential idea?
It appears here the setup is for apps on different ports, and it seems to me to be exactly the clearml problem?
So could extrapolate and put in an API app and a FILESERVER app description with the correct ports?
` # the IP(s) on which your node server is running. I chose port 3000.
upstream app_geoforce {
upstream app_pcodes{
server 12...
This appears to be working.
Setup certifications us sudo certbot --nginx
Then edit the default configuration file in /etc/nginx/sites-available
` server {
listen 80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
listen 443;
server_name your-domain-name;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/your-domain-name/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/your-domain-name/privkey.pem;
AgitatedDove14 Thanks for that.
I suppose the same would need to be done for any client PC running clearml such that you are submitting dataset upload jobs?
That is, the dataset is perhaps local to my laptop, or on a development VM that is not in the clearml system, but I from there I want to submit a copy of a dataset, then I would need to configure the storage section in the same way as well?
I assume the account name and key refers to the storage account credentials that you can f...
WearyLeopard29 no I wasn’t able to do that although I didn’t explicitly try.
I was wondering if this was as a high a security risk then the web portal?
Access is controlled by keys, whereas the web portal is not.
I admit I’m a data scientist, so any proper IT security person would probably end up a shivering wreck in the corner of the room if they saw some of my common security practises. I do try to be secure, but I am not sure how good I am at it.
SuccessfulKoala55 A second queued job which executed on the same node, but didn't this time need to cache the dataset locally as it was done by the previous experiment, hasn't had this issue.
That all being said, apart from the console reporting looking messy, it doesn't appear to have impacted the training, or indeed the metric collection of the first experiment where it occurred.
` Starting Task Execution:
usage: train_clearml_pytorch_ignite_caltech_birds.py [-h] [--config FILE]
[--opts ...]
PyTorch Image Classification Trainer - Ed Morris (c) 2021
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config FILE Path and name of configuration file for training. Should be a
.yaml file.
--opts ... Modify config options using the command-line 'KEY VALUE'
I have rerun the serving example with my PyTorch job, but this time I have followed the MNIST Keras example.
I appended a GPU compute resource to the default queue and then executed the service on the default queue.
This resulted in a Triton serving engine container spinning up on the compute resource, however it failed due to the previous issue with ports conflicts:
` 2021-06-08 16:28:49
task f2fbb3218e8243be9f6ab37badbb4856 pulled from 2c28e5db27e24f348e1ff06ba93e80c5 by worker ecm-clear...
EnviousStarfish54 interesting thoughts thank you for sharing.
We are looking at a hybrid platform like you, but have chosen Prefect for the pipeline orchestration, and we are considering what system to adopt for experiment and model tracking, and ease of deployment.
Or even better dataset_v1.2.34_alpha_with_that_thingy_change_-2_copy_copy.zip
I can see the issue your are referring to regarding the execution of the triton docker image, however as far as I am aware, this was not something I explicitly specified. The ServingService.launch_service()
method from the ServingService
Class from the clearml-serving
package would appear to have both specified:
` def launch_engine(self, queue_name, queue_id=None, verbose=True):
# type: (Optional[str], Optional[str], bool) -> None
SuccessfulKoala55 I am not that familiar with AWS. Is that essentially a port forwarding service, where you have a secure end point that redirects to the actual server?
Yup, I can confirm that's the case.
I have just literally installed the latest commit via the master branch and it works.
I think perhaps as standard, the group docker
is already created.
The bit that isn't done is making your user part of that group.
Like AnxiousSeal95 says, clearml server will version a dataset for you and push it to a unified storage place, as well as make it differenceable.
I’ve written a workshop on how to train image classifiers for the problem of bird species identification and recently I’ve adapted it to work with clearml.
There is an example workbook on how to upload a dataset to clearml server, in this a directory of images. See here: https://github.com/ecm200/caltech_birds/blob/master/notebooks/clearml_add...
Just another thought, this couldn’t be caused by using a non default location for clearml.conf
I have a clearml.conf
in the default location which is configured for training agents and I created a separate one for the inference service and put it in a sub folde of my home dir. The agent on the default queue to be used for inference serving was execute using clearml-agent daemon —config-file /path/to/clearml.conf
AnxiousSeal95 , I would also warmly second what EnviousStarfish54 says regarding end to end use cases of real case studies, with a dataset that is more realistic than say MNIST or the like, so it is easier to see how to structure things.
I understand one of the drivers has been flexibility with robustness when you need it, however as a reference point from the people who made it, then examples of how you the creators would structure things would help in our thinking of how we might use it....
AnxiousSeal95 absolutely agree with you!
When you are put in a situation when a production model has failed, or is not performing how is expected, then if you as a company your deriving revenue off that service, you very quickly have to diagnose what the severity of the problem is, and what is potentially causing it. As you clearly make out, the degrees of freedom which go into why a given model may behave differently include the code itself, the data, the pre-processing steps, the training...
EnviousStarfish54 we are at the beginning phases exploring potential solutions to MLops. So I have only been playing with the tools, including the dataset side of things. However, I think that an integral part of capturing a model in its entirety is being able to make sure that you know what into making it. So I see being able to version and difference datasets as just as important as the code, or the environment in which it is run.