Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
2 years ago
Badges 1
39 × Eureka!hey, I run a programm without allegro on the gpu and it works. Then I run it with allegro. But the training does not start. The gpu is allocated but the trai...
3 years ago
hey i use the clearml-agent. In the code I have the two lines I need. When I run the program it shows that my program is running on the Demo Trains page. But...
3 years ago
I try to use a ssh key for git. When I push a file to git I still have to write my name and password. I solved it by the command: git remote set-url origin g...
3 years ago
Hello, I want to update allegro. I found the link: https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.html But with this gui...
3 years ago
I have some problems with the hyperparameters. tf.keras.applications.MobileNet(input_shape=None,alpha=1.0,depth_multiplier=1,include_top=True,weights="imagen...
3 years ago
hello, i have 4 python environments on one server with 4 tensorflow versions. In each python environment the correct cuda version is used. But when I use all...
3 years ago
Hi I have a question: I have 2 python scripts: the first python script is running the 2. The imports in the first script are working. But when I run the prog...
3 years ago
hey, I have a question: I got the following message: trains_agent: ERROR: Failed getting token (error 401 from ): Unauthorized (in...
3 years ago
hey, I have many python files. In the first python file I use the following line. parameters = task.connect(input) Now I change the hyperparameters on the gr...
3 years ago
hello, i have some problems with allegro. I run a programm and then I saw it on the trains server. But now I change something with the code and I pushed it a...
4 years ago
hey I use allegro with docker mode. But I do not have access to paths where the data are(data I use for training). how can I use "volume mount" with allegro?
3 years ago
Hello, I have a server with 2 gpus. Many users want to train on the gpus. That means the git credentials are different for every user. In the clearml.conf fi...
3 years ago
Hi I have another question: I run the following line with allegro: assert os.path.exists("path") This path does not exist. How is it possible to have access ...
3 years ago