Badges 1
20 × Eureka!from the consule logs i can see that:entry_point =
working_dir = Scripts/Volvo/volvo_data_alignment
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> i just edited my question, can you refer to it pls.
installed packages before the task is running:
# Python 3.10.10 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Mar 21 2023, 18:39:17) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
GitPython == 3.1.31
bokeh == 2.4.3
boto3 == 1.26.158
botocore == 1.29.158
clearml == 1.11.1
h5py == 3.8.0
holoviews == 1.16.0
joblib == 1.2.0
lightgbm == 3.3.5
mat73 == 0.60
matplotlib == 3.7.1
numpy == 1.23.5
pandas == 1.5.3
pytest == 7.3.1
scikit_learn == 1.3.0
scipy == 1.10.1
shapely == 2.0.1
sktime == 0.21.0
statsmodels == 0.13.5
so how can i make clearml to install my req file? i thought that it is automatically detects the req file in the cloned repository..
conf file:
# ClearML SDK configuration file
api {
# Tomer Roditi's workspace
# corractions server
credentials {"access_key": "****", "secret_key": "****"}
sdk {
# ClearML - default SDK configuration
storage {
cache {
# Defaults to system temp folder / cache
default_base_dir: "~/.clearml/cache"
# default_cache_manager_size: 100
my repo structure is:
no, im clonning only from gitlab.
another issue i had regarding clonning git raised when i tried using clearml-agent daemon, it was unable to find my git user name (i used the --git-user and --git-pass args). how can one debug these issues, if possible at all from the user side?
here is an example of the logged values, I was hoping for a way to log them so they could be visualize better.. any advice (beside making my own plot and log it)?
It worked, thanks! i spent a few hours trying to figure it out 😅
well there is no default one.. and in the docs there is nothing about it. would be nice to add a minimal requirements for the AMI in the docs, instead of just writing "The AWS AMI to launch".
thanks for the answer :)
It seems that when the working directory is set to '.' (root of the cloned repo) I am able to import my package as expected.
I thought about your solution but then it requires me to push every time I change my package which is inconvenient.
yes @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> , i'm using the pro plan, "Hyperparameter Optimization" app
by application you mean the web UI? is it possible to estimate the amount of calls it's performing when idle? while viewing an experiment? or some other typical usage?
update:--docker-args "-v some_dir:other_dir -v some_dir:other_dir"
is the correct format
we would love to get some clarifications as well, how does strings should be provided? what is the step size param in the uniform type? is it normal that all unused hyperparams in the HPO are displayed as str typein the UI?
we are using the community server (pro account). full configuration is attached.
it seems like it does finds the requirments file otherwise why would it install tsfel
and some other "non-basic" packages?
since it is specifying the pandas==1.5.3
i thought it might be pulling the req file from my main branch so i updated the req file there as well (since i am working on a different branch) and it didn't changedanything (as you might expect)
yes the agent has already cloned the same repo in the first task (from the same account with the same user and token).
do you mean the full log of the machine itself? the full log of the failed task is attached already