Badges 1
13 × Eureka!thanks for the reference, I already reviewed it, but unfortunately could not find any presence or information of this topic (ecr)
maybe you could help me with this question as well -
can i use docker image registered in aws ecr ?
for general understanding - when a task is enqueued when does the autoscaler kicks in? assuming i wasn't using docker, would the agent try to install all the dependencies on my local machine?
this time it got stuck...
2025-01-22 12:54:32
2025-01-22 10:54:27,220 - clearml.Auto-Scaler - INFO - --- Cloud instances (0):
2025-01-22 10:54:27,697 - clearml.Auto-Scaler - INFO - Idle for 60.00 seconds
2025-01-22 12:55:32
2025-01-22 10:55:28,230 - clearml.Auto-Scaler - INFO - Found 1 tasks in queue 'default'
2025-01-22 10:55:28,235 - clearml.Auto-Scaler - INFO - Spinning new instance resource='pe-jobs', prefix='dynamic_aws', queue='default'
2025-01-22 10:55:28,236 - clearml.Auto-Scal...
I added these commands to init script and found that its true, the environment uses python 2.7, it's a venv that clearml agent created:
[ 276.668028] cloud-init[1895]: -su: /usr/bin/bash: No such file or directory
[ 276.670523] cloud-init[1895]: + python --version
[ 276.671649] cloud-init[1895]: Python 2.7.17
[ 276.672276] cloud-init[1895]: + which python
[ 276.673469] cloud-init[1895]: /clearml_agent_venv/bin/python
I manually launched an instance from the same ami, ssh'ed into and run:
$ python --version
Python 3.7.6
$ which python
this instance also have both python 2 and python 3
$ /usr/bin/python3 --version
Python 3.6.9
$ /usr/bin/python --version
Python 2.7.17
and add the log of the machine please
what do you mean?
the default use case is when we run our code in this ami in a predefined conda environment
hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> thanks for replying
If I'm not mistaken, fleet feature allows you to define more than one instance type thereby expanding the spot pool and lowering the chances of lack of availability occasions
you mean multiple autoscalers?