I suggest watching the following videos to get a better understanding:
Agent - None
Autoscaler - None
Also please review agent docs - None
when a task is enqueued when does the autoscaler kicks in?
You're looking for the polling interval parameter as mentioned in the documentation - None
assuming i wasn't using docker, would the agent try to install all the dependencies on my local machine?
Not sure I understand what you mean. The autoscaler spins up an ec2 instance and the agent handles everything inside. If you don't use docker then it will simply install everything inside a virtual env on the ec2 instance itself.
Yes you can. I suggest reviewing the documentation.
Hi CloudyWalrus66 , from a short read on the docs it seems simply as a way to spin up many machines with many different configurations with very few actions.
The autoscaler spins up and down regular ec2 instances and spot instances automatically by predetermined templates. Basically making the fleet 'feature' redundant.
Or am I missing something?
And the same can be done with the autoscaler :)
You can create multiple templates
thanks for the reference, I already reviewed it, but unfortunately could not find any presence or information of this topic (ecr)
No need, you can set multiple compute resources per single autoscaler instance
maybe you could help me with this question as well -
can i use docker image registered in aws ecr ?
for general understanding - when a task is enqueued when does the autoscaler kicks in? assuming i wasn't using docker, would the agent try to install all the dependencies on my local machine?
hi CostlyOstrich36 thanks for replying
If I'm not mistaken, fleet feature allows you to define more than one instance type thereby expanding the spot pool and lowering the chances of lack of availability occasions
The ec2 machines will be spun in your account. Any image accessible by those machines will be usable. You can add a bash script to run on the ec2 instances on startup and login. The agent on the ec2 instance will basically run a 'docker run' command.