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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi All, What Does The

Hi all,

What does the SHUTDOWN_IF_NO_ACCESS_KEY environment variable in the ClearML server docker-compose file do, under the clearml-agent-services container? I couldn't find it anywhere in the documentation?
It does not seem to be referenced anywhere else...

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 10

It would not shut down, but will keep attempting to connect and issuing errors to the logs when it fails

Posted 2 years ago

Let me rerun it, so that I can capture it. I am currently running it on AWS Fargate, so I have the logs for that.

Posted 2 years ago

That's strange - do you have the docker log for it when it does that?

Posted 2 years ago

Which would make sense because of the name SHUTDOWN_IF_NO_ACCESS_KEY . The thing is, when I tried setting it to 0, it still shutdown.

Posted 2 years ago

so basically the flag also prevents it from shutting down

Posted 2 years ago

As you can see, it eventually manages to reach the apiserver however, it still says that access key was not provided and that the service will not be started. I get the same behaviour whether I set the flag to 0 or 1.

Posted 2 years ago


Posted 2 years ago

This printout: CLEARML_API_ACCESS_KEY was not provided, service will not be started basically means the docker container entrypoint just exited with return code 0. Everything else is (I assume) related to Fargate?
As for peroviding 1 or 0, I think I see the problem - the entrypoint's code uses -n which checks for string length, so disabling this feature should be with simply not defining the env var, not by providing 0 🙂

Posted 2 years ago

Hi ExuberantBat52 , this is an internal endpoint configuration env var (which is why it was probably not documented well). It's purpose is to make sure that if the services agent is not configured (which it might be, if you just installed the server and did not bother to set up the services agent yet), it will not continue inflating the logs with connection errors.
This is a special behaviour since in general agents are installed and set up, and if they fail to connect to the server, that's usually an error you'd want to know about. The services agent, being an optional part of the server's installation, might be left unconfigured intentionally 🙂

Posted 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply SuccessfulKoala55 . 😄

It is currently set to 1, so I am assuming setting it to 0 would mute the errors from logging?

The current behaviour is, if I keep it set to 1 the services agent would automatically shutdown if the access key is not configured. Assuming I set it to 0, then the agent services should not shutdown anymore, right?

Posted 2 years ago