UnevenDolphin73 i would use apiclient:
APIClient().projects.edit(project=project_id, system _tags=[])
*I might have a few typos above but that should be the gist
I can also do this via Mongo directly, but I was hoping to skip the K8S interaction there.
An internal project I've accidentally made with a hidden tag while playing around with the ClearML internal code.
I'd like to remove the hidden
system tag from a project
Where do I import this APIClient from AgitatedDove14 ? I meanwhile edited it directly in mongo, but editing a db directly on a Friday is a big nono
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient c = APIClient() c.projects.update(project="project-id-here", system_tags=[])
I think you can do this only through the API, if at all possible since it's a system tag. Which project do you want to edit?
Hi UnevenDolphin73 , is there a specific setting you're looking for?