Hello All! I Am New To Clearml And Recently Installed Clearml-Server On My K8 Cluster Via The Helm Charts. I Am Now Trying To Run The Aws Auto-Scaler Just Via The Ui, However There Doesnt Seem To Be A "Services" Queue And When I Create One (Just By Name I
It’s about strategy. If you have ClearML server installed on k8s I guess you want to run task on same k8s cluster. In this case using latest clearml-agent chart is the way to go that uses glue agent uinder the hood. Basically what happens is agent will spin new pod when a new task is enqueued in related queue. At this point it’s k8s duty to have enough resources to spawn the pod and this can be achieved in two ways:
you have enough resources already there you have a k8s autoscaler that can spawn nodes to reach enough resources so pod can be spawned
2 years ago
one year ago