interesting if I run the script from the repo main directory withpython code/
it still gives me the same error message
clearml.Repository Detection - WARNING - Can't get diff information for git repo in repo/code
ConvolutedSealion94 what's your python version?
(the error itself is clearml failing to execute git diff, or read the output, I suspect unicode or something, assuming you were able to run the same command manually)
Hi ConvolutedSealion94 , are you running a script or you just went into the python interpreter and ran Task.init()
What version of ClearML are you using? Is there anything special about this git repository?
And are you running inside a repository or is it a stand alone script?
AgitatedDove14 , I think gitdiff wasn't ran. I think Laszlo ran git status manually, not git diff
git-nbdiffdriver diff: git-nbdiffdriver: command not found fatal: external diff died, stopping at ...
ConvolutedSealion94 if you do bash:cd ~/work/repo/code/ git status
what are you getting ?
git status gives correct information
This was not something I was expecting to break.
If you enable nbdime globally and switch virtual environments, then git diff will fail.
nah, it runs about 1 minute of standards SQL->dataframes->xgboost pipeline with some file saving
but I am one level lower than top. so:
~/work/repo is the main repo dir
~/work/repo/code/ and I am running python
in ~/work/repo/code
ConvolutedSealion94 , what if you add a sleep time of 15-20 seconds to the end of the script? I'm guessing that your entire script is justfrom clearml import Task task = Task.init()
python='python3' ~/anaconda3/envs/.venv/bin/python3